Nissan 300ZX Turbo
4 10 May 2021, 08:31

Yes, i painted with brush and color is Revell Aqua 12 Yellow Gloss
10 May 2021, 13:06

Good Choice of Color!
I like to use the Tamiya rattle cans:
They make a very good and smooth finish. Good thing about rattle cans: You do not need heavy equipment like an compressor or airbrush. You can apply them outside or on your balkony or another well ventilated aerea.
There is a very good tutorial about using Tamiya spray paint on YouTube from the user „the scalemodeling channel"
I really learned a lot from this guy...
10 May 2021, 18:56

Thanks for the tips on rattle cans, I'm still a beginner, but I definitely want to try the spray paint. I know the scale modeling channel and I really admire his work.
The shiny yellow surprised me too, it looks ordinary in artificial light, but it looks great in daylight.
11 May 2021, 09:37