Land Rover SIII FFR Explosive Ordnance Disposal RE, the 80's
18 22 September 2021, 21:18

Watching with interest....are you thinking of a diorama event for them to attend?
25 September 2021, 14:23

I do not have enough space in my mancave, but instead I am thinking on a series of different Landies that could be on a diorama if I ever have the opportunity of arranging one.
Also, I have ro reduce my stash, you know: to many years collecting, too little time building.
26 September 2021, 10:41

Sure, Mark! And you know I will ask you a lot of things, as you have seen a lot of EOD Landies and their sappers.
26 September 2021, 17:13

Thank you very much Villiers de Vos.
Thank you very much, Bruce Huxtable. Well, it is not my first sculpt, as I made four feminine figures for a VW Kafer and modiffied several old Italeri "British Tank Troops" for being british soldiers in the Cold War era, but this last one is my first try for a soldier (in fact, a RE Colour Sgt). I have to tell the complete truth: the head is an old Verlinden head (I think, I'm not sure as it is a really old one) that represented an injured or dead soldier (and that is why I did not used it before), the hands will be ones I bought in eBay some years ago (and, finally I did not used them) and the boots are replicated through a mould filled with Master Sculpt from another figure, so I think I am not a fully born sculptor. My idea is to reproduce a man uniformed in the old fashioned wooly pully, greens trousers and ammo boot-putties that was still in use around 1985 by squaddies of the 49 RE Squad EOD): Nevertheless, let us see what will come from this try.
2 October 2021, 20:16

Thank you Mark: I have some difficulties with the terminator, as I want a beer-filled belly, but in this moment looks like pregnant... 🤣 🤣 🤣
3 October 2021, 23:32

I have just finished transmission and wheels: worst nightmare is over. More or less 10 hours of work for finishing the Landie. Maybe 20 more for figures.
Thank you very much, David.
7 October 2021, 00:17

Thank you Jan Peter, thank you Villiers de Vos. I'd like to show an "used" Landie, not a brand new one. After finishing the can as roof, as lateral sides will be open, most part of the back area will be easily seen, so there must be "a little mess" to be credible.
12 October 2021, 16:58

Really liking all your scratch built items. The radio sets are very convincing. The headset will look great when painted. Respect, again! 👍
12 October 2021, 20:05

Thank you, guys! You are very kind, but I reckon headphones are far to be finished. I have forgot completelly the wire that joins both sides and I have not found a solution for the connector plug (a cannon type, not a jack type as I had supposed).
Anyway, thank you for your support: I will try to reach your expectatives and learn as much as I can for future projects.
13 October 2021, 20:01

Liking your attention to detail - it is paying dividends, Sergio 👍
14 October 2021, 09:19

Thank you, Bruce, but my wife says I am only wasting more money... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
14 October 2021, 10:34

I need to finish at least 6 Landies to have room for more models: my stack is almost complete now. Probably I will receive a new airbrush for Christsmas, as mine is now 33 years old... She will receive what my 1.5 yo doughter Victoria says: she is very young, but completely hit the target for her mother's birthday! 🤣 🤣
14 October 2021, 13:45

Sounds like you have good plans that will work out perfectly 🙂👍
14 October 2021, 14:02

Do not know Bruce... In my whole life I have been married only for 17 months, and I have been father only for 15 months: I'm travelling the unknown! 🤣 🤣 🤣
I expect to have the headphones finished today, but the connector is challenging... (or maybe my fingers are fat like sousages.. 🤔).
14 October 2021, 14:25

Enjoy the journey, Sergio, that creation is more impressive than any number of land rovers, and will keep you both busy for years to come 🙂👍👍
14 October 2021, 16:04

And having in mind the other five I want to come, I will be very busy the day I become a grandfather! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
By the moment she show interest and respect for her father's models, guitars and musical instruments, so I think it will be nice to have another modeler-musician in the crew...
Also, she is very interested in our ex-army Land Rover Defender, the John Deere tractor and in my old Rover 45: cannot wait to teach her some mechanics. 🧠
14 October 2021, 16:10

At least, she has strong and stuborn character and avid curiosity for the world that surrounds her. I think is important not only for modelling, also for many other things in life. Thanks, Bruce!
15 October 2021, 06:58

Still not finished, David, I need to add some more "junk" and I am studying the need or not of an inner canvas or fabric to cover the radio set, before the final assembly of the canvas structure.
Unfortunately, the work on figures is going extremely slow: by this moment I cannot get the proper colour for wooly pullies, greens trousers and putties.
17 October 2021, 21:48

Tini, sorry for late response: I am waiting to refill my supplies of Master Sculpt. Local supplier are having big troubles with the actual logística crisis to get some model supplies, as I can see.
9 November 2021, 10:42