Typhoon 4-Blade
53 25 September 2021, 16:59

As I'm currently out of action with the hobby room build, and on a warm Saturday afternoon I picked this kit up out of my stash and thought, why not?
26 September 2021, 07:59

Hey, hello Ł !…l'm trying to keep moving ahead with builds. I've now got too many on the go. Once the hobby room is complete, (it'll be 5.5x2.5m with heating and insulation), there will be no stopping!
27 September 2021, 23:20

do you mean the tail reinforcement with 'fishplates'? i sense some scratchbuilding in the air...
30 September 2021, 18:52

@Bas: yes, I guess I will need to fashion something of a tail reinforcement- I think there may be an aftermarket out there?….
30 September 2021, 22:08

Thanks and most welcome Cuajete, Mark, Mark K. Glad to have you on for the ride!
30 September 2021, 22:09

cheers Juergen, as soon as I am able I will start this and the many other builds!....
15 November 2021, 15:37

Following with interest, hopefully you'll be able to continue soon. 👍
29 December 2021, 19:32

Hi Andy. Great start. I reckon you'll soon whizz past me as I grapple with rockets and the wheel wells on mine...the Brengun wells and cockpit put the Airfix one to shame. 👍
29 December 2021, 20:33

@Guy, thanks again for your interest- am reacquainting myself with the Braille scale.
30 December 2021, 08:55

@ Neil: like you I am a meandering hobbyist- this build may not go in a straight line!
30 December 2021, 08:56

The later typhoons had the flutter solved so did not have the fishplates,I suspect if you are doing the later 4 blade without said plates should be OK.
30 December 2021, 17:34

Thanks David.I'm going to check a reference or two as their tails were dependent upon Hawker/Gloster made machines and the serial number/batch. I don't want to descend into that "rivet-inspector" pit of deliberation! 🙂
31 December 2021, 15:02

Cheers Andy,quiet.Started on a retro 16 scale Beetle Back to WW2 fit.
2 January 2022, 23:17

I like my big scale vehicles but mainly RAF/FAA.Got a collection of Luftwaffe bombers as well.
4 January 2022, 14:41

@David as a small manufacturer Brengun may not mix it with the big boys, but the kit has it's detail-merits. I read Hyperscale's review and was forewarned about some of the accuracy issues. There are some similar pitfalls with Airfix's offering too I believe
6 January 2022, 19:38

That's a brave move on the anti-shimmy tailwheel Andy. I wanted to do the same as you, but chickened out! Looks great!
9 January 2022, 10:54

Ah Neil, I see you did some great trickery with your painting!!… I think both manufacturers should have addressed that small, but significant issue!
9 January 2022, 22:19

I think Airfix have a great product there too, charlie. Thanks for the compliment!
13 February 2022, 12:57

Chugging along @Guy!!….(not as prolific as you presently!!)
13 February 2022, 22:28

Respect Andy..Great progress and work so far on this....kits!:9
I must admit iam totally disappointed by the quality of th kits. got the early types in my stash and modular is already often critical with injected parts but with short run kits...
Therefore i think iam out but iam very interested in your progress and perhaps you can change my mind with your result 👍
13 February 2022, 22:36

cheers Daniel, the quality of the moulds is OK, although I know Academy and Airfix offer some good alternatives. On Hyperscale they reviewed a few of them and actually concluded that Airfix and Brengun were almost at points-drawn. So far the physical fit has been pretty good, and I'd say the surface textures are good for 72nd. Inaccurate markings and the need to do surgery for the broad-cord "Tempest" tail planes are the biggest irritators. Hope to post more, soon....stay tuned!
14 February 2022, 15:14

Haven't lurked here for a while, but I have to say I like your camo more than mine 🙂
16 June 2022, 13:50

Nice to see this back on the bench Andy. Looking good as you approach the final furlong. Reminds me my Airfix job is due for resurection. I too invested in the Master cannon barrels, so be good see them in situ on your build. What a clever idea to do a wing and fuselage prepaint before assembly.
16 June 2022, 22:37

Looks good, Andy! The Typhoon with 4-bladed prop looks a proper Beast! Looking forward to more progress.
17 June 2022, 00:51

Looking good Andy, I like the black and white stripes under the fuselage and the gray looks very impressive. 👍
24 June 2022, 18:36

Hello to David, Łukasz, Cuajete, Neil, Gordon and Guy. Honoured to have your comments on my 'tricky' build. The kit is nearly done, and has built into something Typhoon-like! I think the amount of after-markets helped, but not sure if I'm the scheme of things it's really made a huge impact. Hopeful about another 3-4 hours will suffice!
24 June 2022, 20:27

Thanks David, I bet there are fewer 'swear words' in 48th?….
24 June 2022, 21:06

I join for the final yards … turns out great. Pre-shading in pic 34 worked fine 👍.
25 June 2022, 04:13

Thanks Thomas, needing to repeat shading on uppers, panel line wash etc. before I declare touchdown
25 June 2022, 07:59

And easier to make too, (if you don't mind the intricacies of Eduard's bombs…5 parts per bomb and 4 decals on each)
25 June 2022, 10:27

@John: thanks for the comment - there are a lot of excellent Airfix projects on here. I wanted to do the Brengun kit the best I could. With a little more work, (I guess), it too can come out pretty Typhoon-like.
19 July 2022, 16:12

Yes, I have the AFX kit, it compares favorably to the superior Brengun kit. Your doing this justice.
19 July 2022, 16:17

@JB: there's been a lot of debate about the better 72nd Typhoon offering including Academy. I can only call it as I see it, but Brendgun seems a finer moulded kit, and seems sleeker in profile, perhaps? Anyways I appreciate the recognition!
19 July 2022, 16:24

@Cuajete- many thanks, I feel I've learnt and improved techniques in a few areas.
19 July 2022, 19:17

@David- thanks again for looking in!
@Łukasz- finally over the line! I've gone with oils this time to see what I could do….
19 July 2022, 19:18

@Ł I feel I get more control out of them rather than pre- and post- airbrush shading.
19 July 2022, 20:10

Looks great Andy. Perfect weathering too, very dirty but subtle too. Definitely the best 1/72 Typhoon on Scalemates. Congrats!
19 July 2022, 21:23

Top notch. Excellent weathering, especially on the underside of the aircraft!
20 July 2022, 08:10

thanks Neuling, yes I'm especially pleased with that....the smoke streaking exhausts area I need to change my approach..
20 July 2022, 08:37

Thanks Guy, always good to know you've had a look - appreciate the words.
20 July 2022, 16:56

Thanks Peter, my humble homage to Canadians fighting on Dutch soil - well mainly mud!
21 November 2022, 22:53

Thanks Diego DH, super kit albeit a test, and test again , kit!
23 December 2022, 23:38