Crab With the Golden Claws (Runabout Boat)
39 6 October 2021, 21:17

Yeah. I've got a small resin printer. It's a bit trickier/messier than a filament printer, but the results are much smoother in my opinion. Starting small with a boat hull I found on Thingverse, but I have lots of grand plans. 🙂
7 October 2021, 14:27

Good work!
A 3d printer is a very useful tool, if you can handle it
Is this boat in scale or without?
7 October 2021, 14:35

Thanks guys. Simon, the boat is roughly 1/72 scale. It's based on an Aquamarine, but quite a bit smaller, so I just used the Tintin pictures as reference for the size. I've also printed off several 1/700 scale planes for some very small dioramas.
8 October 2021, 04:55

My all-time favourite toy as a child, was a clockwork, tin plate boat like this 👍🙂
8 October 2021, 06:11

Welcome Thomas! A bit more progress. The red lines were too big, so I remasked them and gave the hull another coat of black. Also modified a jeep windscreen… now just the benches and the dashboard to finish off.
7 December 2021, 14:29

Heh. A silly little project… just the kind I like! Scratchbuilding the interior benches. Almost done.
8 December 2021, 07:12

Simple… I printed two hulls… just in case. 😉
Seemed like a good idea to use the bare one for the wet silicone. Easier to clean, less chance of damage.
12 December 2021, 16:11

And… we're basically done. Still need to wait for the silicone to cure all the way through to the bottom… and it looks like I need to print a new decal label, but that's about it.
13 December 2021, 06:58

Not bad for a first try at 3D resin printing... if I do say so myself!
19 December 2021, 02:03

another beauty in your boat collection👍
it turned out very well and i like the way how you present it !
19 December 2021, 06:54

Turned out excellent! I am keen to follow your 3D printing projects and learn 👍
19 December 2021, 14:50

So, I've learned a few things about 3D printing since I first did this project. It wasn't actually damaged during my shelf mishap, but there was no real way to get a figure in the driver's seat without a major overhaul... so it got put back on the bench under the heading of "improve" rather than "repair". When I looked at the files again, I realized that the main problem with my first attempt was that the 3D files were not actually manifold and had a lot of intersecting faces. So, even though it printed relatively well, it was extremely thin in a few spots and had quite a few gaps. After spending a fair amount of time fixing and consolidating the files, we got a much better print... including Tintin baddie Allan at the helm!
7 November 2023, 15:01

looks great, are you planning on 3D printing a Grand Slam from Area 88 aswell?
would look nice next to the B-1 Lancer. 🙂
7 November 2023, 17:55

It's amazing how much easier a well-printed part is to work with. The first time I did this there were gaps and holes and other errors, but this time the parts are all stable and the seams are easy enough to close.
11 November 2023, 17:05