F-4J White Bunny Completed
18 13 December 2021, 06:54

Awesome model! I love the off-white, also great stuff with the panel lines.
Great details on armament and perfectly aligned Mk83's on the rack, I rarely succeed in that 🙂.
I spy with my rivet-counting-eye a missing AOA probe in the nose and 180° incorrectly turned stencils on top wings, some should be readable from personnel standing on the wing.
13 December 2021, 10:18

>180° incorrectly turned stencils on top wings, some should be readable from personnel standing on the >wing
!!!!!Super! I will remember it for later projects!
14 December 2021, 12:41
Album info
Do not like this kit🙁
Without glue build - unnessecesary complication.
Custom decal with bunny. Kit's decals - awful🙁