Hawker Tempest Mk.V

Hi Daniel,
did you use decals, or were all markings (including the unit badge on the fin) spray painted with masks?
If decals, how did you treat them?

Hey, Gluefinger,
all the markings are sprayed through masks (O-MASK - omask.cz). Only the "Le Grand Charles", the kills and the mark on the directional sign are decals. I use GSI and Tamiya watercolors for the decals.

Hi Daniel, thanks for your reply. The results are really worth the extra effort.
Album info
Hawker Tempest Mk. V, NV994, S/Ldr. Pierre Clostermann, No. 3 Squadron, No. 122 Wing, B.152 Fassberg, Germany, June 1945.
Another photo, at No. 3 Squadron's next station, B.152 Fassberg, probably very soon after VE-Day, shows the only change at the time may have been the addition od the famous red spinner. This was unlikely to have been added during hostilities as, following many misidentification incidents and attacks by Allied aircraft, 2nd TAF had very strict rules on markings; spinners were invariably painted black. Leter in May, No. 3 Sqn added ther unit badge (a cockatrice on a monolith, represinf an early flynig creature and Stonehenge, which was near their first base) to all their Tempests and Clostermann decorated NV99 with his scoreboard (including some kills whitch he had been able to confirm after war finished) and the name 'Le Grand Charles' in homour of General Charles de Gaulle. He flew this aircraft throufh June 1945 and took it to B.160 Kastrup, near Copenhagen. A big air display for the Danish people was planned for the uly 1, 1945 and Went ahead despite bad weather. Clostermann flew JFoE NV 994 in a formation flypast but wasunable to land at Kastrup due the bad weather. He managed to land at nearby Vearlose, a smaller grass airfield but NV994 was demaged in an accident (nature unknown).