Work in progress... ...Mi-24P Ukrainian Crocodile
121 30 March 2022, 17:15

Let´s get it started...
First section, as nearly always, will be the cockpit.
30 March 2022, 17:34

Nice to see you all following.
...went on with the cockpit, after painting all black I started with th Quinta Studios decals. They´re very nice done and easy to apply. Unlike other decals, they ned an adhesive. Quinta recommends any PVA based glue, clear coat like Tamiya x-22 or cyanoacrylate glue. I used Micro Kristal Klear and it worked very well.
3 April 2022, 11:34

Thank you for showing the "Quinta" application process, Daniel. I had not seen it before. Only once applied. Very nice result!
3 April 2022, 17:26

Thanks, and yeah, the Quinta stuff is definitely worth it´s money.👍
4 April 2022, 12:05

Finished the cabin and the transmission housing. I did a heavier weathering in the cabin than in the cockpit to be shure the details are vissible later in the dark inside the fuselage.
6 April 2022, 15:08

All the fuselage main part are now put together. Overall fit is good, there are only a few spots that need some filling and sanding. The stub wings holds in position without glueing.
11 April 2022, 18:05

I started adding the etched parts from Eduard. These are some nice little extra details, even if the kit is absolut okay without them.
24 April 2022, 21:14

Clear parts are now glued in place, the fit is very nice. I did some rivet lines on the whole fuselage to give the surface a more interesting look at the end.
8 May 2022, 18:49

The Hind is now ready for the first layer of paint, I will start with the light blue belly.
28 May 2022, 18:29

Very cool project! I like the combination of bought and scratch-built details. Looking forward to the paintjob, looks interesting. 👍
28 May 2022, 22:19

Sometimes you have to do some work twice... When I started masking the blue belly, I noticed it would be much easier the other way and do the blue at the end. So I got on with the beige-grey and will do the green next. At the end I will paint another layer of the light blue.
13 June 2022, 14:38

Thanks for your comments guys, and welcome aboard @Zsolt.
14 June 2022, 16:33

Thx mates. I have to rework some little spots but overall I´m happy with the result.
16 June 2022, 19:09

Paint and Decals are done, next will be the weathering and then I will start work on the rotors and armament.
27 June 2022, 18:04

Good looking camo!
Interesting building process, looks like a lot of work
2 July 2022, 15:21

Thank you guys. @Jan the Quinta Decals are absolutely worth their money.
9 July 2022, 17:56

Hi Daniel!
Nice project. It looks amazing.
Good to see your build on scalemates too.
Weiter so!
9 July 2022, 20:09

Fuselage is now sprayed with it´s final paint layer, Tamiya TS-80 flat clear. Landing gears and main rotor are finished.
18 July 2022, 16:23

I'm slowly approaching the end, external loads and rotors are now finished and just waiting for the clear coat.
29 August 2022, 17:37

Paint job and detailing are very amazing!- Hope to see the finish soon!
29 August 2022, 18:37

Once I start my Hind, I'll only use your WiP for reference, everything in one place! 👍
30 August 2022, 08:40

Thank you for your kind words guys. I´m glad to see the finish line and everything went smooth yet.
30 August 2022, 09:09

Added the exhaust stains using Gunze H343 soot and Tamiya xf-1 flat black. Also finished the loadout and the gun.
5 September 2022, 19:00

@Oleg I used black sprues from another kit and heated and drawed them.
12 September 2022, 05:34

I think I can call it done. I will make a little, simple base with three figures to frame the helicopter properly.
12 September 2022, 18:06

Thanks guys👍. There's still some little work on the base to do before the rollout.
15 September 2022, 13:54

Great build Daniel!
Lots for detail for a 1:72 kits v impressed!
Love the colour scheme!
I currently building a 1:32 Cobra - the cockpit is going to be so critical to the success of the build!
15 September 2022, 16:21

Thanks Christian and Cliff.
The pit is the first critical point, most of my unfinished builds stopped way behind the pit. 🙂
But I know what you try to say. In 1:72 sccale you can easiely hide a not so perfect cockpit but in 1:32 it´s hard to cover same imperfections.
16 September 2022, 13:49

Finally finished after such a long time!
But the waiting has paid off 😁
Finish and presentation are awesome 👏
19 September 2022, 16:34

You call it done. I call it well done! Very nice details, tidy craftmanship, good paint job and weathering and a display with accessories to bring everything to life and into perspective. Was a joy to follow.
19 September 2022, 16:37

Thanks for your kind comments guys.(H)
@Alex the decals worked fantastic, same as the most usual decals on the market. No problem with clear coat or setting solution(Mr.Set&Sol).
20 September 2022, 11:45