databas för modellbygge | samlingshanterare
Lt. Evil
Christian Skottun (Lt. Evil)

Bf109-E7 Tropical


29 10 April 2022, 16:17
Lovely job!
 23 June 2022, 14:16
This looks really amazing! Great work! If I may, what did you use to make the bumps on the radio wire?
 23 June 2022, 14:34
Michael Kohl
nice dio.
 23 June 2022, 14:46
Christian Skottun Författare
Thank you. The radio wire is made of EZ Line and the bumps are made from brass tube and the spring is made of thin copper wire, turned around a needle to turn it into a spring
 23 June 2022, 18:56
Rui S
Very nice Dio 👍
 26 June 2022, 01:45
beautiful dio
 21 November 2022, 11:27
Pietro De Angelis
Very nice work!
 21 November 2022, 15:49
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 21 November 2022, 15:58

Project info

15 bilder
1:32 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 Trop (HGW Models 103201)

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