CF-101 Voodoo
Photo 1 of 75
67 30 April 2022, 10:05

Dieter: welch eine Freude von Dir zu hören! Wer weiß: hätte ich die Sitze selbst gemacht, hättest du dich vielleicht nicht gemeldet...🙂 Wie gehts dir?
1 May 2022, 16:01

a question from your devoted follower....
you mentioned CA and plastic as a filler....can you explain further? how much ca, what type and how much plastic...and then, how do you use it?
4 June 2022, 07:18

Good morning Lochsa River. Thank you for the praise.
I use for filling of gaps or modeling von bulges and other things no putty but CA (I use this one of Tamiya without exception) and plastic (in most cases white polystyrene/ polystyrol, Evergreen or Plastruct). After drying the CA has the same hardness as the plastic and so you have a big advantage during sanding and restoring of panel lines (no crumbling🙂). For better understanding see please picture 26 in this album. Wildcat Groupbuild-Grumman/GM FM-2 Crop sprayer N58918 | Album by Yellowwing (1:48)
You can good see the mix of white and transparent filling materials on the wing lower side.
Tamiya CA Cement (Quick Type) (Tamiya 87062, No)
4 June 2022, 07:38

What a very pleasant surprise when I learned that you're building a century-series fighter! Looks splendid so far!
4 June 2022, 10:09

Great job so far on the Voodoo, Bernhardt! The cockpit looks fantastic! This plane is currently at the Atlantic Aviation Museum near the Halifax Airport…
6 June 2022, 17:01

Hi Bernd, Hi Gordon,
thanks a lot for your kind words.
Gordon: I'm glad that you like my model of one of your planes. By the way, this is just my second Canadian model.
25 years ago, I built a black / metalicgrey T-33 with a huge red maple leaf underneath.
By the way, maybe you could help me with a question.
I do have a Microscale sheet for a white plane with a lynx head. In contrast to the grey machine with the red arrow in the center, this one does not have any additional maintenance stencils. Is that really correct? Or is it possible that Microscale took a preserved plane where the stencils have not been restored?
6 June 2022, 18:53

Minimal stencils on this scheme but there are some like the rescue arrows, ejection seat warning triangles and red turbine stripe.
If you Google for "101043 Voodoo" you find various pictures of this scheme. Several markings disappeared when it was used as a gate guard, even during gate guard duty:
7 June 2022, 12:06

Very convincing effect on those formation lights, off-white looks great !
23 June 2022, 17:10

Hanno: Judging by the album pictures the off-white (or FS16515 Voodoo Grey that it actually is supposed to represent) seems to be not looking that great to me. I guess the white balance is to blame a lot since not a single picture is displaying the same shade of grey. And I am pretty sure Canadian Voodoo's did NOT carry ANY formation lights strips in ANY location. Not even present on the actual album image this build is to represent. Unless someone can provide an image with these strips installed on a Canadian Voodoo, I am sure this is wrong. So nice job on the color of the formation strips Bernhard, but not applicable to the Voodoo you are building.
23 June 2022, 18:18

You scratchbuilding skills always leave me speechless. The legs are gorgeous 👍
26 June 2022, 19:40

Thx Hanno and Thomas. I admire your comments. 🙂. Fortunately they are more than a dozen walkarounds of the 101. So it was easy and pure fun to detail the landing gear. 🙂
26 June 2022, 20:13

A beautiful build indeed ! Just the right level of detailing, it seems to me. Looking forward to the images of the completed big bird !
7 July 2022, 09:33

Guillaume & Boris: I'm glad to hear that you like my CF-101. Boris: the pictures are ready just in time🙂
7 July 2022, 11:24

What a beauty ! The choice for an off- rather than a brillant white was the right one, and the way you incorporated the raised panellines turns them into a very realistic look. A level of quality Monogram surely couldn't have dreamed of in 1986….. 👍
7 July 2022, 12:36

very nice. Loved the treatment of raised panel lines. Like Hanno said, you did more with this kit than the designers could ever have anticipated.
7 July 2022, 12:46

Beautiful result - another proof that older forms with raised panel lines have their own charm 👍
7 July 2022, 15:57

Bernhard, you saved me at least 2 weeks work deleting the raised panel lines and rescribing my old Supermodel BV-138: now I'm determined to try and build it as is.
Top notch build, congrats!
7 July 2022, 16:16

I am truely impressed by this clean and focused build. Excellent craftmenship.
7 July 2022, 18:53

Again a new set of references pictures of the original! A new level of realism 👍
8 July 2022, 11:17

I really like your treatment of the metallic parts at the rear of the airplane. The cockpit details are pretty impressive too !
A beautiful model overall, with a beautifully executed interesting livery.
8 July 2022, 20:36

For a minute there I thought I was looking at a reference pic. Excellent work Bernhard!
10 July 2022, 08:26

Superbly detailed as always. 👍 those pops of red from the various interior bays are amazing. Thanks for CA tip too.
10 July 2022, 08:42

Late to this but I can only say what others have said, great job on this kit! The Monogram century birds will build up very nice if you put in the work and you certainly have.
23 September 2022, 20:57
Project info

McDonnell F-101 Voodoo Groupbuild
1. Maj fram tills 31. December 2022
1. Maj fram tills 31. December 2022