Aquaria Liberator
76 24 August 2022, 16:38

One that was rescued from the old life, gun barrels and props broken so used aftermarkets for replacements
24 August 2022, 17:12

Edward you are too generous with your comments It is quite the kit!
27 September 2022, 17:15

Oh, this is a nice paint scheme. It also reminds me of a 1:144 unknonw Liberator kit I had as a 10 y.o. or something. 🙂
28 September 2022, 05:08

Thanks Treehugger, it's the standard ETO drab, drab, drab! Have you still got the kit!?
28 September 2022, 08:12

Sure Harvey!, this one dodged the flak made it back to Blighty and Stateside after the war!
28 September 2022, 16:10

Like it Andy, getting home after the damage must have been "liberating". 🙂 👍
29 September 2022, 15:43

The crew "consolidated" their mission with a beer no less! 😉
29 September 2022, 16:00

Cheers Finn. One of those builds that answers: "Where I've come from...."
20 January 2023, 13:54

Yesterday evening I was looking at all your works with admiration, they are really fantastic, congratulations!
20 January 2023, 14:04

Thanks Pietro. I think there are plenty of 'fantastic' builds out there- yours included! Like you, I just try to achieve the best I can and use every build as a practice for the next!
20 January 2023, 17:25

Hello! Great build! Did You use any aftermarket masks for clear parts?
26 February 2023, 12:19

@Lis, not that I remember- I scratch built the ammo feeds and that may have been it. Thanks for asking and taking a look!
@Finn: thanks for popping by
26 February 2023, 18:24

I buy this kit on scalemates and I will try to build It 🙂 Year ago I build Hasegawa B-24 and it was a fun build. Nice kit. Did You have any problems with parts fitting?
2 March 2023, 10:13

@Lis, I don't think I had any issues with fitting. I will check the model and let you know. The front turret glazed halves are hard to bring together without seeing the seam. I also added after-market propellor blades, and Air Master gun barrels- simply because the original were damaged. I think it's the best B-24 in 72nd.
@Oleg: thanks for the like and @McArrow too
2 March 2023, 14:19

Thank You for all the information. I will try to build a similar model soon. 🙂
4 March 2023, 10:56

Thanks Dave, Roland!! (and others I may have missed), plus Kyle
14 March 2023, 17:46