DHC-6-300 "Air Hokkaido"
50 7 September 2022, 01:31

>>Markus Antonius
The photos I had on hand were taken in winter, so you can see the snowy landscape!
In reality, RJCH is a very pleasant time of year, with a temperature of 19°C and humidity of around 45%.
7 September 2022, 15:15

Unique subject. I'm dipping my toes into civil aircraft models right now, so I will watch carefully. Moreover, Hokkaido is on my list of dream travel destinations.
29 September 2022, 17:16

Very interesting indeed. What is the plan for the windshield?
30 September 2022, 10:57

I really like the laser-cut masks. Hope they work good. White is soooo hard to paint, but looks so good if it goes on right.
30 September 2022, 11:16

Very nice!
The result from the laser cut mask is impressive for such a small size. Where do you cut these masks? you own one of these small cheap home laser cutters, or are cut with a commercial laser plotter?
2 October 2022, 20:31

>>Elias Korompilis
I had a friend of mine cut the masking sheets with a Fabool laser mini, a small home laser cutter.
3 October 2022, 03:42

Simply stunning. I love seeing what talented modellers do with my beloved Matchbox "toys".
3 October 2022, 15:12