Cutting off some of the dorsal fuselage to fit the resin exhaust. I did this with an exacto saw and kinda eyeballed it (because I'm a doofus). If I'd bothered measuring, maybe it would've used less filler!
Seat. You can see the dollop of putty on the section behind the cockpit - I think this sits flush with the canopy in reality, and it took a lot of sanding and filling to smooth it over here.
Fitting the ResKit exhaust to the fuselage - they lined up pretty well! You can see where the engine cowling halves meet and the intake halves go together took quite a bit of work.
Some of the pebbled finish on the bottom is from experimenting with bad primer. Note to self and others: stick to the good stuff, NOT Krylon or Rustoleum!
BrendanFörfattare Thank you all! I am still procrastinating with painting the missiles, so I will add a few more "official" pictures when those get attached 😄
20 January 2023, 18:10
Album info
Some of the start through a few rough finished pictures of the ICM 1/72 Ghost of Kyiv kit.