A pair of Zeroes
67 15 January 2023, 14:17

Nice start, Andy... and thanks for the comparison 👍
Following (one more time 😛 )
17 January 2023, 19:26

Thanks again Cuajete…sorry to fill your eyeballs with all this plastic building!
17 January 2023, 19:56

Thanks A for the comparison, didn't know Tamiya is that greatly detailed 👍
Good, I didn't do such pictorial with the vacu Zero I have in my stash 😄
18 January 2023, 08:54

Nice start, Andy. 👍 Following. Tamiya kits play in their own league in terms of quality .
18 January 2023, 08:56

Łukasz, go on…include your kit!, would love to see it! I think you'd struggle to justify any resin on this build, but I'm sure other Japanese addicts may have an opinion?, and I have to say Bernd- yep, Tam is tops - I'm doing their Il-2 too…it's magnificent too.
18 January 2023, 10:05

There you go A: Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero (JWK Model A1, 1:72)
It's really hard to take the pic of white vacu sheet.
18 January 2023, 21:44

Łukasz, I guess that was a model from a previous era!? Does it pre-date the actual plane? 😂
18 January 2023, 22:06

Not v.much tbh 😄
Btw the boxart is a copy of Squadron/Signal book, so it surely comes from the pre-copyright era 😉
18 January 2023, 22:21

Fabulous Andy. The Airfix one looks a little longer and wider, is that a camera angle thing? I have the Airfix one (Middle at Lidl) so glad it seems ok. Chasing down an old Hasagawa one for a side by side too.
19 January 2023, 10:19

Thanks for having a look Gary....I'm really not sure if its an optical illusion. They both look to my eyes near-similar dimensionally. The finesse of Tamiya's moulds is the main difference.I'll look forward to your three-way build soon!
19 January 2023, 15:08

Have to follow this very interesting project. Looks great so far!
27 January 2023, 11:45

Cheers Eddie! I've done a wee bit more today, they'd make quite the headache against your Hellcat!
Thanks all to those who've 'liked' this project!
27 January 2023, 13:50

Well done so far, Andy.
It's nice to see the differences between the two kits, and both looks great even though the Tamiya kit is finer. For the price of the Airfix one, it's very good 👍
27 January 2023, 18:51

@Kyle- cheers looking in! (Love the C-9 you're doing too!)
27 January 2023, 22:12

@Cuajete: I think you have the review down to a perfect sentence. I'm actually struggling to work out which one I'm picking up in their black-coated state
27 January 2023, 22:13

Thanks David, they're both vice less kits at the moment. Trying to stretch the skills with the new paints and the substitution of paint for decals.
28 January 2023, 17:33

Man Andy, this is making me want to break back into my double zero build. I put it on hold while I researched and tried to decide how I wanted to paint them and haven't cracked back into it yet.
28 January 2023, 17:36

What are your double zeroes Kyle? They can be quick to put together and depending on the scheme - quick to render. Thanks for the comment!! And. Go. For. It!!
28 January 2023, 17:39

I have the eduard dual pack and they seem to be quite lovely. I started on the cockpits last year but then got bogged down researching grey green/white and whether I wanted them in flight or on the ground or both. Overthinking really. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what color I paint them, someone will always tell me I'm wrong lol. Beautiful airplanes and the Eduard kit appears to be pretty nice. I'm really enjoying your builds here so it's making me want to pull those back out.
28 January 2023, 17:41

You'll have more fun in 48th with Eduard for sure! I'd not worry about the colours, get them sorta OK (BTW Tamiya's lacquer paints are great) and by the time you've bleached them/dirtied them it won't matter! Let me know when you do!?
28 January 2023, 17:46

Thanks for the extra likes, folks! Sure helps to motivate!!
28 January 2023, 17:47

Thanks Andy. I'll let you know for sure. A couple projects to finish up first, such as the C9 but I'll get back into them.
28 January 2023, 17:53

You're right Michael - it's a bantamweight fighter great dimensions.
Mille Grazie Moreno!
Gracias Cuajete- I love the Tamiya LPs, never used them before.
29 January 2023, 19:35

Holy cow, how did you manage perfect circles? 👍 Lacquers are great, not only Tamiya's A.
29 January 2023, 19:43

@Ł, I used some interior roundels from Maketer's 1/24th Spitfire offering- they were pretty much the correct size. Although I've now realised I actually have the sizes the wrong way 'round! Grrrr
29 January 2023, 19:47

Jan: loving the Dutch humour! I think I've "rounded" up that technique. Groans…..
@Bernd: appreciate your scrutiny on the paintwork. Danke.
30 January 2023, 22:32

Ah, cheers Daniel-as you advised Tamiya has got to be the best in this scale.
31 January 2023, 21:13

Thanks Rui S, nearly there. Now distracted by the B-26!
Thanks Arif for popping by
4 February 2023, 15:41

Yes, I'm better pleased with the Airfix all-grey pre-shade, I will add some oils to both before declaring them finished. Thanks for having a look, Jan!
4 February 2023, 16:15

Thanks Cuajete!
Thanks Mark and others for your appreciative'ticks'
6 February 2023, 09:34

Well, NOW that is a wrap!....I aim to improve my camera shots...
Tamiya is the winner, (but, then again if a Japanese model manufacturer can't produce the 'gold standard' 72nd Zero, who can!?)
pleased you like them bughunter!
15 March 2023, 09:38

Thanks Guy and Cuajete, what pleasant chaps you both are! Looking forward to your finishes too!!
@Austin- thank you too
15 March 2023, 23:11

Thanks Neuling and Roland, and appreciating the likes- Christian and many more to acknowledge!
16 March 2023, 10:28
Album info
Heroes or Zeroes: to be decided!