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Mona (Kestrel)

Mad Max "Road Warrior" Mack

Photo 1 of 21


52 15 March 2023, 19:22
Mona Författare
AMT kit #1039 ,from old molds a lot of flash to remove and fitting of parts before gluing ...but there must be a starting point
 15 March 2023, 19:27
Villiers de Vos
Looking forward in following this project.
 16 March 2023, 07:09
Detail Master do a nice PE grill for this kit. Worth a look, definitely.
Nice progress so far, buddy 👍
 16 March 2023, 19:23
Mona Författare
the fuel tank / cab support bracket ..will be painted chassis color 😉
 18 March 2023, 01:40
Jeremy O
You stole my idea! Lol 😂
 18 March 2023, 03:40
Mona Författare
honest ..it was just sitting there with the keys in it ,couldn't resist the temptation 😉
 18 March 2023, 04:07
Kyle DeHart
Stopping by to watch this!
 18 March 2023, 04:35
Mona Författare
today I must correct the pitman - steering arm, before moving on each time I look at the pic's ..kinda bugs me .Lol
 18 March 2023, 12:56
On its legs already! My, you've been very busy!
Looks awesome Mona.
 18 March 2023, 21:37
Mona Författare
@bozzer little too much coffee this morning .. that and glue fumes ,Lol 🙂
 18 March 2023, 21:59
Did you go for those Detail Master PE parts?
 18 March 2023, 22:47
Mona Författare
haven't ordered them yet but I shall ..Mega hobby always fast and very reasonable on shipping small items , I've ordered several things from there in the past ..one of my three favorite places to order ....the engine parts for my beetle "all I've been thinking about" past few days
 18 March 2023, 23:25
Shar Dipree
Mad Max?! Following! 🙂
 18 March 2023, 23:27
Mona Författare
@ Shar D glad to have ya along 😉
 18 March 2023, 23:31
I can only applaud Mega Hobby. Really nice people, very helpful, and a plastic junkies heaven. Although, last time I was there, I missed the detail parts? Oh well, it's an excuse for another 4000 mile trip, to overdose on our hobby 😉
 19 March 2023, 04:49
Mona Författare
made a right hand drive dashboard from Evergreen styrene sheet & Milliput (super fine/white)...after much fussing and fitting I'm pleased, it should look reasonable compared to the raised detail of the kit interior
 19 March 2023, 19:10
Mona Författare
@ Bozzer that shows some dedication to the "hobby" ..if you travel all that distance to visit a hobby shop , I really miss the little (overpriced) shop our city had ,seems nothing last forever though
 19 March 2023, 19:15
Mona. You talk about dedication?
That dashboard is stunningly blinding! I can't even imagine what time you've spent on this? Once you hit it with paint, everything will POP right out!
Scratchbuilding at it's finest. Congratulations mate!
 19 March 2023, 19:54
Mona Författare
Thank you very much Bozzer , its a total of 14 pieces of styrene card stock , three round styrene pillars internal then filled with Milliput to support ,also the milliput is the curved beveled portion that rests up against the windshield ..a hole punch n thin styrene for the large instrument faces ,very thin pieces of round sliced for the small instruments and knobs ..wonderful thing about the primer I can see the flaws to correct , I've got 7+1/2 hrs in on it ..
 19 March 2023, 22:33
Jeez! And we wonder why people think that we're mad? Took me 5hrs and 5 colours, to do the two Eagles logo's, on the doors of my Eagle truck. The back of the sleeper, took me 56hrs total. I've not even noted the time on my K100 mural. I just do what I can, when I can? Lol
 19 March 2023, 23:04
Kyle DeHart
I stay sane by not keeping track of the hours. 😀 It's a mystery to me and everyone else. Although "sane" may be a strong word to describe myself. 🤔 Great work on that dash Mona
 20 March 2023, 00:42
Mona Författare
@ Bozzer you aren't nuts that's just because you are a true Eagles fan ..proving " Don't F*@# with the Eagles unless you Know how to Fly"
 20 March 2023, 02:08
Kyle DeHart
I feel the same. It's all about the relaxation and stress relief for me. Very glad to have rediscovered the hobby for those reasons.
 20 March 2023, 02:14
Mona Författare
@Kyle 😉
 20 March 2023, 02:18
Ben M
 20 March 2023, 02:31
Very nice scratch work
 20 March 2023, 13:54
Mona Författare
@ Jv , thank you ..glad I accomplished it over the weekend , having a non-creative day today (ugh) ..the type of day I dare not attempt such things Lol
 20 March 2023, 19:39
Ben M
I can literally tell how stressed I am by my inability to do hobbies
 21 March 2023, 00:49
Robert Barkoski
Impressive work on the dash, can't wait to see more.
 21 March 2023, 01:54
Mona Författare
@ Robert B the firewall will be next .. then I will do the cab interior /assemble ...my only apprehension on on this build .. is painting the orange stripe on the cab and hood, I must practice a bit first
 21 March 2023, 02:01
Mona Författare
@ Ben M.. your projects turn out very well , don't sell yourself short . This hobby is a great stress release for me spent a while tonight on my Tel Saki (centurion Shot Kal ) diorama after a short break from it and the stress of the day has melted away ....
 21 March 2023, 02:11
Paul Shearer
Nice work on the dash. Looks better than the kit part
 21 March 2023, 17:03
Mona Författare
thank you Paul ..I'm pleased with the result , and hopeful I can pull off the firewall detail as well
 21 March 2023, 20:38
Mona Författare
firewall looks like a hack job ..but it's still not done 😉
 25 March 2023, 23:21
After seeing what you did with the dashboard, I have every faith that the firewall will work out perfectly.
 26 March 2023, 08:33
Mona Författare
I really must invest in one of those paint "things" ..to properly hold the "work" at hand
 26 March 2023, 20:26
Paul Shearer
starting to look like a Mack. Firewall looks just fine imo
 28 March 2023, 03:18
Mona Författare
agreed what I see wrong with it will be covered by the steering column extension and shaft , and grime . I'm just critical of my own work ..it always could be better 🙂
 28 March 2023, 04:27
What you see wrong no one else see
All your builds are interesting and whed plenty mods
You sure have alot of patience
 28 March 2023, 12:30
Mona Författare
engine looks more like it should today ..painted the radiator ,turbo ..I seemed to have misplaced the crossover oil breather pipe and the turbo oil drain pipe, Lol they couldn't have gone too far..I shall upload update pic's later this evening
 28 March 2023, 20:51
Hiya Mona 🙂 a build with an 80s twist count me in! Love the concept. Looking really great so far. Following with interest 👍
 28 March 2023, 21:52
Kyle DeHart
Looking mighty fine
 29 March 2023, 03:20
Mona Författare
Thank you Kyle , Neil and Jv ..its getting there slowly better I don't rush this one 😉
 29 March 2023, 04:19
She's coming together now, Mona. I can already feel the exciting part 🙂
 29 March 2023, 06:25
Mona Författare
yes Bozzer ..the hood, dual air cleaners and the whether I get the fit correct not forgetting the exhaust stacks ...and I'm thinking about that orange stripe ,Lol
 29 March 2023, 17:40
Exhaust stacks are easy. The plumbing comes out behind the cab, in a 'Y' piece. Similar for the air cleaners, but topside and close to the firewall. Cutting the hood, now that's the challenge! My suggestion for the "Earth" logo is to practice drawing it on paper, then when you're happy, transfer it to masking tape, and spray it. The orange stripe, you'll ace! I have every confidence in your talents, especially after seeing how far you have come already 🙂
 29 March 2023, 22:33
Somewhere, I have pictures of a scratchbuilt stack that I made, from a few normal things I had, around the house? A pen, and basically a piece of sprue, and a bit of garden plant tube. I'll try to find it. Lol, so simple, but it worked.
 29 March 2023, 22:37
Mona Författare
Hi ..Bozzer I was just going to make the stacks, exhaust pipes and the air duct out of styrene(evergreen)tube ..I have several sizes to work with ,need to run over to the Hobby lobby for what I don't have ,but I managed to get sick once again (ugh)..so that will be in a few day still
 29 March 2023, 23:16
A "cheat" for the stack plumbing, is simple plumbers solder. It's easy to manipulate and you can attach the joint with plain superglue. Primer, then paint, job done. The angles on your air duct, takes a little more work, but it's achieved with pvc sleeving from electrical cable. You'll probably want to run some strips of plastic over it though, to make it look ribbed? Just a few ideas for you, to mull over? Don't forget those snorkels though, Mona? I'll leave those to your creative experience 😉
 30 March 2023, 00:24
Paul Shearer
I scanned through but didn't see the answer so I'll ask. Are you doing this as when Max found it or after the conversion with the big cow catcher on the front?
 30 March 2023, 02:18
Mona Författare
Hi, Paul I'm going to build the "Break out" version with the tanker and reinforced Moo catcher ,although I have no Idea where to put it yet .. figure I might as well go all out 🙂
 30 March 2023, 04:42
Rod -
Super cool 🙂 I've been holding off building a Mad Max interceptor as I feel it will need weathering and I have no idea how to do it.
 30 March 2023, 12:40
Mona Författare
@Rod its not difficult to weather as there are so many product available just practice on a old model ...
 30 March 2023, 13:57
Ben M
Lots of great YouTube tutorials on weathering too, that is how I've been learning.
 30 March 2023, 15:27
Ben M
Yeah I mostly watch night shift. He does some interesting stuff without a lot of branded products. I saw one where he did an entire tank with the only weathering product used is one brown wash.

I tend to make my own washes and stuff instead of buying them. I have some products I bought when I first started out but now I just make my own or do things like rub cheap artists pastels on sandpaper instead of buying "pigments" etc.
 30 March 2023, 16:58
Looks very interesting, I am in
 30 March 2023, 17:00
Brandon H
Very cool, following this one for sure!
 30 March 2023, 17:43
Mona Författare
thank you gentlemen ..glad to have you along 😉
 30 March 2023, 18:25
Loving that stack buddy!
 30 March 2023, 22:10
Mona Författare
😉 I didn't have anything around that dia. ...and nothing in stock at Hobby Lobby that size either so I had to punt
 30 March 2023, 22:18
Ben M
Really cool scratch building!
 31 March 2023, 03:21
Mona Författare
 31 March 2023, 13:56
She's coming together well. Excellent job on the plumbing.
 3 April 2023, 02:36
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 3 April 2023, 04:39
Mona Författare
Hi , Villiers thank you ..I competed the air duct last nite ,will post a update pic' later today, better view that shows the engine air duct and the exhaust..
 3 April 2023, 14:39
Mona Författare
@ Paul S, build change up date ..I'm building the Rig that is the delivered to the compound by Max not the break out version ...seems the break out Rig not only had a extensively modified cattle/roo catcher ..it is a slightly taller Rig. 👀 see Jeremy O's R685ST Reference Album pic' #5 of the production vehicles nose to nose ..there is a slight height difference. I did not 🙁 notice this at the time I assembled the frame/suspension
 4 April 2023, 00:49
Personally Mona, I wouldn't worry about the height difference. If you ever decided to do the other version, you could simply lower the suspension? Build the version that you want, and don't worry.
 4 April 2023, 15:31
Paul Shearer
Ya I'd build what ever you want as well, but being a tight ass about such things myself I can understand whatever choice you make lol
 4 April 2023, 17:46
Kyle DeHart
I agree with Bozzer as well. But I'm not a good modeler. I never met a thing like accuracy stand in the way of my builds. 😂😂😂
 5 April 2023, 04:13
Definitely. The Mack R sits high at the front, and there's a huge gap between the front fenders and the wheel. I certainly don't think that it would look out of place. On the picture you mentioned, the lower Mack seems to sit closer to the fender? Besides, it's a movie truck, and then directors do all kinds of crazy things, to get the look that they're after? Just look at how far back the trailer is, in convoy? The movie trailer was hollow, hence the ride height.
 5 April 2023, 06:52
As I am at the other end of the ocean, I have no knowledge of those big boys, but I love those machines with noses.
Very nice building, Mona! 💪🏼
 5 April 2023, 07:13
@Tini. Totally agree mate. I'm just across the North Sea from you, and these machines are much better than our Euro Trucks.
 5 April 2023, 10:10
Youtube Video
I love the sound of the motor on this thing.
 5 April 2023, 10:12
Mona Författare
Thankyou for the input on this guy's guess it all depends on .."what ever" happens (on the desk), I will continue with the break out version just as planned ..just not building (hype) myself up in over expectation of the outcome and final result ...without over planning
 5 April 2023, 14:13
Kyle DeHart
Look forward to seeing it come together either way. I try not to plan too much either.
 5 April 2023, 18:50
Nathan Dempsey
Some great work all around and the cab is wonderful. Love those tires already too.
 7 April 2023, 03:35
Shar Dipree
Nevertheless very nice. I'm super excited to see how it goes.

 7 April 2023, 06:01
If you are sturdy on your hand(s), you can make painted lines more straight by using a small brush. This assuming you intend to add gloss coat over the black and red, because painting black on black to hide any uneven red line won't look nice until you hide the black-on-black with a gloss coat, then the two layers of black should look pretty much the same.
Tamiya has some brushes with tiny tiny tips.
 7 April 2023, 07:07
Carefully, touch up the stripe, then weather the whole thing. I'm pretty sure that during the filming, those trucks came to some kind of battle with external forces? Don't fret too much about perfection, because nothing is perfect 😉
 7 April 2023, 08:52
Mona Författare
thank you for the tips guys .. 🙂
 7 April 2023, 12:14
Villiers de Vos
I remain glued to my chair. Nice and steady progress.
 7 April 2023, 20:39
Bill Newcomer
I am late to the party. Following.
 14 April 2023, 03:47
Mona Författare
Hi, Bill you're not late ..its getting interesting now working on the front end now
 14 April 2023, 23:02
Did you get that grill, that I showed you?
 15 April 2023, 02:28
Mona Författare
no I haven't yet
 15 April 2023, 04:08
Paul Shearer
Nice work on the push bar so far
 18 April 2023, 16:34
Shar Dipree
Cool cowcatcher.
 18 April 2023, 17:13
Kyle DeHart
Looking very cool
 18 April 2023, 17:41
Excellent scratchbuilding!
 18 April 2023, 22:32
Mona Författare
thank you Guy's , also making a slightly different one...the break out version . might make another version of this "catcher" too
 18 April 2023, 23:51
Wow, looks very good!
 19 April 2023, 08:16
excellent scratch front
 19 April 2023, 09:46
Paul Shearer
The Toecutter...he knows who I am!

Ooops wrong movie lol
 26 April 2023, 04:51
Ben M
Excellent scratch building all around.
 26 April 2023, 14:25
I've been asleep! Excellent work on the cowcatcher! Surely there can't be any more treats, left in-store for us?
 26 April 2023, 14:48
Nathan Dempsey
More great work there on that cowcatcher.
 26 April 2023, 15:18
Mona Författare
thank you gentlemen 😉 , the Mack on the nose of the hood ..drove me nuts and it won't even be seen after the tombstone goes (Lol) on the guard/cow catcher ...still working on a solution for the PSP wheel guards that were hanging on the rear fenders
 26 April 2023, 15:51
Kyle DeHart
Very awesome
 26 April 2023, 21:08
Mona Författare
made a version of "PSP" wheel guards (as seen in the break-out) for the rear fenders from thin brass sheet stock and styrene ...not sure yet , if that's the finished 👀 yet to make the passenger side . note to self : don't forget the door handles
 29 April 2023, 19:20
Nice job on the painting too. I would never be able to get it that perfect.
 29 April 2023, 19:50
Mona Författare
Thank you Bozzer , I didn't order the PE grill detail it would be behind the tombstone ..so you really think the wheel guards are okay ?
 29 April 2023, 22:29
I've only seen 2 pictures of the actual thing, and one of those was blurry? Personally though, it works for me. I think that you made the right decision with the grill, but I'd still get one, for the next R model build. Prices never go down these days, so you could consider it an investment? Well, that's how I describe some of my purchases, anyway 😉
 29 April 2023, 22:58
Shar Dipree
Hello Mona. Nice job.
The PSPs are not really convincing. Maybe they looks better with bigger holes.
And straps around the tank would make something. 🙂
 29 April 2023, 23:21
Paul Shearer
Ya the holes do look a bit small. Reworking and making the holes larger might fix it. You can also buy etched to represent that PSP. There are a few different companies that make it here is an example

PSP (Perforated Steel Planki.. (ArtwoxModel AW60025, 1:35)

 30 April 2023, 03:45
Mona Författare
Okay ..guys , yes the PSP isn't quite up to par YET ..And yes I'm aware there are products available in the wrong scale but . I shall make another version when I feel like sitting still and drilling a few hundred holes ..
 30 April 2023, 12:04
Thought about you and your plight today. I have the Haul away trailer by AMT. The ramps for it have a similar pattern, but not the same. Anyway, I measured the holes and they're 2mm. If you try around that size, you can't go far wrong mate.
 30 April 2023, 22:35
Mona Författare
thank you bozzer ,made a revision to the PSP wheel guard more holes a pattern within a pattern, last pic in album is it so far (Lol 😉 )
 30 April 2023, 23:50
David Wolff
Auslowe Model Accessories make an R Series Mack resin RHD dashboard - it's about AUD $5 plus postage. If you are building the tanker you need to add a third axle as it was a triple, not a double. Again, Auslowe do generic axles in both 1/24 and 1/25.
 16 May 2023, 15:01
Mona Författare
thank you for the info David 🙂
 16 May 2023, 21:45
Where are we at with this, Mona? Are you gathering red soil? 😉
 16 May 2023, 22:50
Mona Författare
well it looks a lot more weathered ..and it has a bumper on the front , I removed the ridiculous "over exaggerated" bull bars . for the time being they are on the Mack DM (stretch)"mock up" its painted the same .. it's the practice Mack . I just haven't taken a up date pic' done for now haven't ordered a tanker and I've been working on the Freight Liner SD almost to those mirrors Lol 😉
 17 May 2023, 03:16
For a moment, I was gonna ask if you'd been on vacation? Then I read the freightliner word, and a shiver went down my spine! I like the old cabovers, but AMT really needed to redesign that cab. It's gotta be the most ridiculous idea, they ever had? It's the only one, I've ever seen, like it. But those mirrors man, they'll have you coming up for air, more times than a midget in a brothel! 😉
 17 May 2023, 04:14
Jonathon Herring
Working on Semi's is a sado-masochistic fetish for some of us. It provides unique challenges and heartbreaks but, the satisfaction of fighting these soul suckers into a fair representation is incredible. They are either gold mines of innovation or land mines of frustration. One or the other, I'm in ........
 17 May 2023, 11:03
Mona Författare
So ....that's why I'm diggin working on semi trucks lately . next time in having problems with one I shall grab my riding crop and give it a "what for" or display the cat o nines to it, to correct its attitude 😉
 17 May 2023, 14:35
Blimey, I'm definitely amongst friends here! Unfortunately, it becomes a passion and a pleasure, and that's when you realise that you're hooked. I can't deny that I love Mack's, but I'm also a Pete fan now, too. I can't get the KW bug, or I haven't yet, but man did I love building my International Eagle 2. She just commanded to be made perfect. I've done a few other Internationals too, but by far she is the best. Put up a bit of a fight near the end, but I think it was more of a tantrum, because she knew that I wouldn't touch her again? I'm gonna have to dig out a Can Do Wrecker, at some point. They look classy, when they're done. However, I've just picked up a KW 900 1/16 Aerodyne. I now need a bigger house!
 17 May 2023, 19:35
Mona Författare
hobby lobby had the Kenworth drag truck on the shelf, last week when I was there . I'd like to get the GMC cab over next ...but I still need a few things for my VW yet 😉
 18 May 2023, 00:44
Jonathon Herring
Always got pokers in the fire, don't we. I can't get enough "fire and ice" love/hate relationships from these kits. Finally picked up the Italeri Superliner Mack. It's the lady butterfly edition ( Yes Bozzer. I broke the no more rule). Couldn't pass up the price. Have no prior experience with the Italeri offerings. Guess I will find out 🫣😳
 18 May 2023, 10:07
@Mona. The superboss is a masking headache, so beware. However, the Bandit truck is a lot easier and basically the same kit.
@Jackhammer. The Lady Butterfly is an excellent kit. Comes with my seal of approval. You can get some cracking aftermarket parts too. I'd recommend a Mack E7 engine and a different tandem axle setup though. I built my Eagles Truck from that exact kit, with no major issues. Just lights and a fancy paint job. I wish all Italeri kits, were as good? Just watch out for the kit turbo, they moulded the joint lug, the wrong way, so it will be upside down! Cut it off and line it up with the rest of the parts, and you'll be fine 👍
 18 May 2023, 12:22
Jonathon Herring
Bozzer to the rescue for 10 points😄. Always know you will have the skinny on a Mack. Awesomeness! Still getting on with my DM800. Lots of gizmology. Thanks to you both for inspiration 😊
 18 May 2023, 20:26
No worries mate. Always around to help fellow builders, when I know the subject. If it's Mack, I've done it as a kit, and then I bought it again, because I had another idea! Kyle would be proud of my Monogram Mack AC Bulldog collection. However, when you guys wanna try something different, I suggest that you try one of those, or get the new, Atlantis releases? I think that you'll be surprised by what you find? And if you don't enjoy it, then I'll buy another two, per unhappy person, myself! Can't say fairer than that? Lol, just enjoy what we do, because it keeps us safe, together, and damn right awesome! You can't write this stuff 100%
Edit on my previous post here....
It should actually read "E9" but the gremlins got in, somehow, and I've only just seen it?
If this error has cost anybody any money, send me the bill.
 18 May 2023, 22:16
Mona Författare
 19 May 2023, 03:35
Jonathon Herring
E9 is the engine Bozzer? Just making the shopping list. How are the tire treads of Italeri kits. AMT/ MPC all look like tires that have about a week left before bands would be poking through. I know it's a mold limitation and work exceptionally well for one of my "field find" trucks yet, something beefy looking about deep treads like the ones I get from ST Supply. As always, thanks for the help and welcoming attitude.😊
 19 May 2023, 07:49
Brandon H
@Jackhammer I haven't had my hands on that specific kit, but I think most Italeri US trucks use the same tires. Treads have been nicely molded on the ones I've seen. And that Superliner should be a refreshingly smooth build for you, compared to that DM800... I came away from that build feeling like MPC should've paid ME to take that kit off their hands!
 19 May 2023, 11:03
Brandon H
This rig is looking awesome so far by the way, Mona!
 19 May 2023, 11:04
Jonathon Herring
OH! I lament the amount of superior modeling I must apply to the DM800. Still, only Dodo in the zoo. It is challenging and Paul @ ST Supply has some great drive tires and other bits. He has 1/24 too as well as Moluminum (Jamie) but its first come first serve and you have to wait in line for what ya want, if he has the molds (I'm guessing). Its best to email Jamie to see if he can do ya a solid an availability. Still, he is upfront, honest and quick in his relies.
@Bozzer- found the E7 engine. Is it the right one for the American Superliner?
@ Mona- in case I didn't say it, wonderful build. This is the truck that kicked this off for me. My friend wanted to build this, had me order the trailer from the Hobbytown I worked at (Yes, I loved working there, even with poor pay). He never got farther and I picked up the trailer and it sat, me being a military builder. Then I heard this voice. "Come to the Dark side....we have lots of tires) Boom, I' buying trucks, etc.
Love our hobby and comrades.
 19 May 2023, 12:07
@jackhammer. Moebius do a nice set. I'll try and get some pictures for you, when I get home. They come with wheels too. They also have some super singles, but I haven't laid eyes on them yet?
 19 May 2023, 12:58
Mona Författare
thank you Jackhammer , I'm just having fun with the semi's lately ..as its all practice for me as I try to improve my skills . my kits seem to be of recent manufacture the detail on the tires terrible ..compared to the tires on a Mack 600 DM (2017) ...but the ones on the "Earth" Mack turned out reasonable
 19 May 2023, 15:20
Mona Författare
Hi, Brandon ..it's getting the ,a slight pause in build pace . I've yet to order a tanker
 19 May 2023, 15:22
@Jackhammer. I posted a couple of pictures in my hints and tips album. Take a look when you're able to.
@Mona. You aced this build! I've just recently picked up some parts for another RD. I'll see if I can find my old build pictures and post them in a dedicated album, over the weekend? I think you'll like it 🙂
 19 May 2023, 17:05
Mona Författare
Thank you Bozzer 😉 my "CF" Freightliner progressing well also will post a pic or two when done. I'd like to build a RD Mack in the future 🙂 ...but to finish this build out I must do the tanker, David Wolff pointed out it would have a third axle so something extra to keep it interesting
 20 May 2023, 00:42
This crazy old coot has just started to build another Superliner! Now I just have to find another of my Lonestars, to put the wheels on, so jackhammer and you guys can see the height difference? I may have to grab a nap though, because at 6am on a Saturday, I'm usually waking up, hahahaha 😄
 20 May 2023, 04:57
Jonathon Herring
5AM and I'm here checking up before work. MAN! I need a life😄! Soon it's done the sooner I'm at the bench. Got scratch building of mud flap hangers to do as well as tubing out the rear axles.
Mona- looking forward to some CF pics.
Dozer- hope you enjoyed your nap.
 20 May 2023, 09:13

Album info

the Mack R series Primer Mover driven by Max in the second movie "Road Warrior" used to haul a tanker full of Earth

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