Chevette Bear Bait
10 2 June 2023, 21:57

Back in the late 80's, early 90's I had a red vauxhall chevette, exactly like that body shape. The engine was nothing like that though! It was a 1274cc and a lump of useless metal. The only car, that I carried a spare cylinder head and carburettor around in, because it let me down so much! It never wheel span, it just lunged to a start. However, it got us by, almost, at the time. The best place for it, was the scrapyard, and that's where it went, when I got my first ever, MK3 ford escort. Now that's another story 😉
4 June 2023, 02:10

How cool is that! Totally the 1980s 😄 This antenna, the wide package, rims, tires .. So cool. Thank you for showing! I love those old kits.
7 June 2023, 05:15

Thanks all. Just a curious question here. I don't have the most steady of hands so some trim lines end up being a little wobbly, like can be seen in my interior picture. Anybody have any tricks to get good lines when painting multi color trim?
7 June 2023, 13:06

Definitely! Drink beer and in large quantities. It won't improve your painting, but it makes your pictures blurry and nobody can see your mistakes! 😛
7 June 2023, 14:54
Album info
The last build for my childhood shadowbox recreation.