Album (102)All albums3 bilderFw 189A-1 "Uhu" done!1:48Projekt: "Owl" in the far north3+2 bilderDone1:48Projekt: P-47D-22 56th Fighter Group3+2 bilderSturmbock done1:48Projekt: Focke Wulf Fw 190A-71+2 bilderalmost done1:48Projekt: Focke Wulf Fw 190A-71+2 bilderStarfighter done!1:48Projekt: Marine Starfighter F-104G9+2 bilderCockpit done!1:48Projekt: Focke Wulf Fw 190A-71+4 bilder"Pfeil" done!1:48Projekt: the speeding arrow5+4 bilderPainting almost done1:48Projekt: the speeding arrow5+4 bilderCockpit and fuselage1:48Projekt: the speeding arrow5+2 bilderone-0-nine done!1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-6y/R6 of 8./JG11+4 bilderlast steps..1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-6y/R6 of 8./JG11+11 bilderWiP1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-6y/R6 of 8./JG11+4 bilderDora done!1:48Projekt: Fw 190D-92+2 bilderpaintings done1:48Projekt: Fw 190D-92+5 bilderLudwigs Emil done1:48Projekt: Franzisket´s Emil in Africa3+2 bilderweathering done, soon finished1:48Projekt: Franzisket´s Emil in Africa3+4 bilderCockpit1:48Projekt: Fw 190D-92+4 bilderHelbig Flyer done!1:48Projekt: Ju 88 in Africa1 bilderDone1:48Projekt: Ju 88 in Africa4 bilderPanzerschreck done1:48Projekt: Panzerschreck in Africa5 bilderFranzisket´s Emil -WiP-1:48Projekt: Franzisket´s Emil in Africa3+3 bilderPaintings done1:48More pictures of this WiP can be found on my Patreon page: Ju 88 in Africa3 bilderWeathering1:48Projekt: "Owl" in the far north3+4 bilderpaintings1:48Projekt: "Owl" in the far north3+3 bilderJet Nightfighter done!! :-)1:48Projekt: Messerschmitt Me262B-1a/U1+5 bilderPainting begins1:48Projekt: Ju 88 in Africa5 bilderCockpit1:48Projekt: Ju 88 in Africa4 bilderGeorg Amons Seemann done!1:35Projekt: Georg Amon‘s Seemann3 bildersome progress pic´s1:35Projekt: Georg Amon‘s Seemann4 bilderAll starts with the cockpit 1:48Projekt: "Owl" in the far north3+3 bilderFinally done!1:48Projekt: Afghanistan Tornado4 bilderPaints1:48Projekt: Messerschmitt Me262B-1a/U1+4 bilderDone1:48Projekt: "Pik As" in Barbarossa5 bilderPainting starts1:48Projekt: "Pik As" in Barbarossa4 bilderits going on...1:48Projekt: Messerschmitt Me262B-1a/U1+3 bilderfuselage closed1:48Projekt: "Pik As" in Barbarossa1 bilderDone 1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-10 Erla5 bilderWiP pic´s1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-10 Erla3 bilderCockpit starts1:48Projekt: "Pik As" in Barbarossa3 bilderfirst Pictures1:48Projekt: Messerschmitt Me262B-1a/U1+3 bilderTempest done1:48Projekt: eduards new Tempest Mk.V Series25+4 bilderAiracobra done1:48Projekt: Bella2 bilderWeathering Steps1:48Projekt: Bella1 bilderMoose done1:48Projekt: Moose Mustang1+8 bilderSome steps1:48Projekt: Moose Mustang1+3 bilderStuka done1:48Projekt: Signal Stuka5+5 bilderbase colors done1:48Projekt: Signal Stuka5+3 bilderIt begins1:48Projekt: Signal Stuka5+2 bilderFinal Steps1:48Projekt: eduards new Tempest Mk.V Series25+2 bilderColors1:48Projekt: eduards new Tempest Mk.V Series25+0 bilderColorsThis album does not contain any images.1:48Projekt: eduards new Tempest Mk.V Series25+6 bilderpainting starts1:48Base colors done!Projekt: Bella3 bilderGoing ahead1:48Projekt: eduards new Tempest Mk.V Series25+3 bilderHeinkel done1:48Projekt: World´s first Jet Fighter by Heinkel1+4 bilderfirst steps on the Tempest1:48Projekt: eduards new Tempest Mk.V Series25+1 bildercolors and Decals done....1:48Projekt: World´s first Jet Fighter by Heinkel1+2 bildermostly done, it can be paint soon1:48Projekt: World´s first Jet Fighter by Heinkel1+3 bilderfirst steps1:48Projekt: World´s first Jet Fighter by Heinkel1+3 bilderTyphoon......its done1:48Projekt: Typhoon Mk.Ib4+5 bilder...its going on1:48Projekt: Bella5 bilderfirst steps1:48Seat and instrument panel doneProjekt: Bella4 bilderanother brick in the wall.....1:48Projekt: Typhoon Mk.Ib4+2 bilderIts donne, my first finished scale Model for this Year!1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-143+7 bilder...nearly at the end1:48That will be the last picture of the WiP :-)Projekt: Bf 109G-143+5 bilderAustralian Tempest V - Eduard 1:48Projekt: Tempest Mk. V20 bilderFrench Spitfire XVI - ICM 1:48Final post shades!Projekt: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVI1 bilderDone1:48Projekt: Fw 190A-4 chain of devils3+7 bilderStep by Step1:48Projekt: Fw 190A-4 chain of devils3+2 bilderfinally finished1:48Projekt: Bf 109F-4 Stab III/JG31 bildernearly finished1:48Projekt: Bf 109F-4 Stab III/JG34 bilderFirst Pictures1:48Projekt: Bf 109F-4 Stab III/JG32 bilderAussie Eight finished1:48Projekt: Spitfire Mk.VIII3+3 bilderGun Bay1:48Projekt: Spitfire Mk.VIII3+3 bilderPainting works1:48Projekt: Spitfire Mk.VIII3+8 bilderBrassin Cockpit1:48Projekt: Spitfire Mk.VIII3+3 bilderFinished1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-6/R2/trop3+1 bilderBeginning1:48Projekt: Bf 109G-6/R2/trop3+6 bilderFinished1:48Projekt: MiG-19S Farmer C8 bilderFinished1:48Projekt: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVI7 bilderWeathering1:48Chipping, post shades and washes doneProjekt: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVI12 bildercolor works begin1:48beginning....Projekt: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVI4 bilderMiG-19 / Shenyang F-6 now with post shades1:48Projekt: MiG-19S Farmer C4 bilderFINISHED1:48Projekt: F-86K from JG741 bilderPic of the original1:48Projekt: SEPECAT Jaguar A3+10 bilderCockpit, Fuselage, and colors! 1:48Projekt: F-86K from JG742 bilderAustralian Tempest -finished!1:48Projekt: Tempest Mk. V1 bilderMiG-19 in pakistan Colors1:48Projekt: MiG-19S Farmer C4 bilderAustralian Tempest - Basic painting1:48Projekt: Tempest Mk. VAndra album4 bilderHobbyBoss Me 262A-1a III/EJG2 done 1 bildersome older Stuff9 bildersome older Stuff0 bildersome older StuffThis album does not contain any images.0 bildersome older StuffThis album does not contain any images.0 bildersome older StuffThis album does not contain any images.0 bildersome older StuffThis album does not contain any images.0 bildersome older StuffThis album does not contain any images.0 bildersome older StuffThis album does not contain any images.0 bildersome older StuffThis album does not contain any images.38 bilderPics from Phantom Pharewell Wittmund 28/29.0620 bilderMiG-21M of peoples republic of Bulgaria7 bilderBf 109 Lion of Aspern11 bilderAlps Tiger Shark