Album (38)Senaste projektalbum25 bilderSd.kfz. 232 1:48Weatered with oils and chalk.Projekt: 8 Wheeled Armored Car Sd.Kfz. 23230 bilderB-261:48lots of tapeProjekt: B-26 Marauder18 bilderHURRICANE MkIIc FOR DESERT DIORAMA1:48Projekt: German 88mm Flak Gun43 bilderDesert Diorama "Lowlevel Hell 1942"1:48Projekt: German 88mm Flak GunAndra album12 bilderF-104G // Fw190 th scale8 bilderM3A1 th scale Bandai Halftrack18 bilderSome of my th scale Bandai tanks10 bilderU Boot U-69 XIIc nd scale18 bilderMyAlbum15 bilderOH-13S or Bell 47-3 Aussie type10 bilderInspired by Choppanutta my scifi stuff66 bilderViet Nam Super 8mm9 bilderTime to empty and move wall unit again.11 bilderF-16 Rebuild6 bilderSpitfire Mk XIVc11 bilderHaving a bad day.9 bilderA pair of Typhoons9 bilder1943 T-34 AmbushThe reeds were made from old paint brush brissels.10 bilderF-14A by Monogram VMF-418 bilderF-15E by Revell10 bilderF-86F by Acadamy26 bilderVal A3D1 and Kate B5N150 bilderA-10 match up6 bilderBig game hunter. Shot down P-47 by Flakpanzer3 bilderAussie Hueys in Nam2 bilderModel J # 611 last steam engine.1 bilderModel J # 611 last steam engine.SECOND TRY4 bilderB-25J10 bilder75mm Pak 409 bilderCrash of vintage AH-1G CobraLuckily I found all the parts14 bilderFavorite odd ball couple57 bilderMONOGRAM PRO MODELER B-17G STARTEDRepainted boring orange decal20 bilder Cessna 150G36 bilderCobras and Hueys21 bilderWWI models and biplanes5 bilderMosquito Mk IVB Weathering was done with artist oils.16 bilder'Kate"11 bilder"Oscar"