SU-6 Scratchbuild
- Skala:
- 1:35
- Status:
- Pågående
- Satte igång:
- November 21, 2016
Few pictures from different russian books/magazines,dozen of photos from Bulgarian Miltary History Museum(3-K AA Gun), a kit to be destroyed(T-26 mod 1937) and a lot of Plastruct styrene shapes,combined with measuring,drawing, scratchbuilding and inevitably- cursing-throwing away-starting build a replica of a subject that pre-dated the German Panzer IV mit Acht Acht by almost a decade...That's the scope of this project.
Projekt inventering
Fullständiga kit
Detalj och omvandlingssatser

76,2mm L/53 M7 gun
RB Model 1:35
Machine guns DT (2 positions) and disks to them (10 positions)
Komplekt Zip 1:35
35041 2012 Nytt verktyg 
76.2mm F-34 L/42 - T-34/76 Model 1941 / 1
RB Model 1:35
35B18 Material
21 November 2016, 16:20