Album (7)Senaste projektalbum62 bilderUSS Fletcher DD-445 WiP1:350Pilot house need to be replacedProjekt: USS Fletcher DD-4454 bilderRN Zara WiP1:350Projekt: RN Zara, 19418 bilderAlfa-class submarine, pr. 705K1:350Projekt: Alfa-class submarine, pr. 705K, K-6423 bilderAlfa-class submarine, pr. 705K, WiP1:350Projekt: Alfa-class submarine, pr. 705K, K-648 bilderIJN Yukikaze1:350Projekt: IJN Yukikaze15 bilderUSS Thresher1:350Projekt: USS ThresherAndra album0 bilderMyAlbumThis album does not contain any images.