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PolyPod vs GM Turbulence


Project title is a work in progress, as I have a few ideas for such. Hoping one fits the theme and sticks during the build. "Facing One's Inner Demons" is the current working title.

A diorama idea I came up with in Q2 2023 when I found out about the Cerulean Project and it's theme for the colour green. I work slowly, so knew I wouldn't be able to do it during the timeframe to qualify as a submission for 2023 (doubly so with my Meirsoa diorama happening first). Oh well, world isn't going to end, I can still build the things, right?!

I'd had ideas to go with the shark mouth decals on the PolyPod Ball for quite some time now, as well as the idea of having it be some sort of nightmarish stalks through the night creature... The Ball Pod has a bit of a dual reputation. The first is it's a flying coffin, while the other is that in the hands of a skill pilot, they're absolutely lethal, especially given their maneuverability. What if I were to pit it up against the GM Turbulence, and have the PolyPod look like it had the upper hand, and was even winning, with the Turbulence looking almost like it were down for the count, but refusing to yield the fight?

I've yet to heavily weather a gunpla kit, and while yes, I do understand it's two P-Bandai kits I figure why not have some fun with it, eh?

Projekt inventering

Fullständiga kit
MG Build Divers
RX-78TB-3(FA) Gundam Stormbringer F.A. / RGM-79TB-1 [T] GM Turbulance Premium Bandai Limited
Bandai Spirits 1:100
5061035 2020 Nya delar Multi ämne (1!!)
MG Build Divers
RB-79PP Polypodball Ball's Mobile Pod (Premium Bandai Limited)
Bandai 1:100
0229976 (GBWC) 2018 Nya delar

Del av min Samlingar

Bandai PlaMo kits
Idéer 21×Pågående 11×Avslutad 2×Placerad i kö 1×
Master Grade Gunpla
Idéer 7×Pågående 6×Placerad i kö 1×


20 March 2022, 20:37