Humans (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) (Humans)
Achaean warriors (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
Alexander the Great Alexander III of Macedon Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
356 BC–323 BC
Amazon Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
3000 BC–500 AD
Aquitani Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Assyrian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
2000 BC–600 BC
Babylonian Empire Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
1894 BC–539 BC
Barbarian warriors (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Boudica Boadicea Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
Briton soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
1200 BC–500 AD
Burgundian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
Carthaginian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
550 BC–146 BC
Carthaginian soldiers (Punic Wars) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | 550 BC–146 BC
Celtic warriors (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
No range
Chinese soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
No range
Cimmerian warriors Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Dacian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Egyptian Empire Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | 3050 BC–30 BC
Etruscan soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
900 BC–27 BC
Garamante soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
500 BC–668 AD
Genghis Khan Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
German soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | 3000 BC–500 AD
Germanic Warriors (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | 0–800
Greek Empire Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | 800 BC–146 BC
Guan Yu Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
Hun warriors Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Iberians Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
No range
Irish soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
No range
Jews Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
1099 BC–74 AD
Korean soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
3000 BC–500 AD
Leonidas I of Sparta Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
540 BC–480 BC
Libyan warrior (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
No range
Macedonian Empire Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
Native American (Mayan) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Numidian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | 350 BC–40 BC
Persian Empire Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
Persian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Picts Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Punic Wars Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Roman Republic Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
509 BC–27 BC
Samnites Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Spanish soldiers (Punic Wars) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
264 BC–164 BC
Sumerian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Thracian soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | No range
Turkish soldiers (Ancient) Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
3000 BC–500 AD
Vercingetorix Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
82 BC–546 BC
Viriathus Viriatus Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
0–139 BC
Xiang Yu 項羽 Humans » (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) |
232 BC–202 BC
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