Triumph TR2InfoName:Triumph TR2Category:Vehicles » CarsUsed from:1952–1955Used by:Manufacturer: TriumphHot kitsTriumph TR2Gunze Sangyo 1:24G-222 1985 New tool Triumph TR2Gunze Sangyo 1:24G-189-1200 1992 New parts Triumph TR2 Le Mans 1955 Gunze Sangyo 1:24G-195 1994 New box ProductsTriumph TR2 #TS 5534/0 [PKV 376] Le Mans´55 #28 Dickson/Sanderson Le Mans Decals 1:24 Triumph TR2 (GFA 650) MC´60 #185 Cooper/Johnson Monte Model-Mania 1:43MMMDV020 Triumph TR2 #TS 5534/0 [PKV 376] Le Mans´55 #28 Dickson/Sanderson Le Mans Decals 1:43 Triumph TR2 1957 Grand Prix Models 1:43GPM? Triumph TR2 Francorchamps 1954 TW Collection 1:43273 Triumph TR2 Jabbeke LSR 1953 TW Collection 1:4376 Triumph TR2 with Hardtop K&R Replicas 1:43KR4HT Triumph TR2 with Hood K&R Replicas 1:43KR4H Triumph TR2 open K&R Replicas 1:43KR4 Triumph TR2 Works Cars Alpine Rallye´54 K&R Replicas 1:43KRRL213 Triumph TR2 MM´54 K&R Replicas 1:43KRRL202 Triumph TR2 Highspeed Car K&R Replicas 1:43KRRL36 Triumph TR 2 Le Mans '55 John Day Model Cars 1:43283 Triumph TR 2 1953/55 K&R Replicas 1:43K&R04 Triumph TR 2AMR 1:43426 All related products »BooksNo resultsGalleryTriumph TR2 FrancorchampsScratch 1:8by Karsten Schmidt on ModellversiumWalkaroundsNo resultsWikipediaFind on Wikipedia »