ölçekli modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi

Afiş reklam

Targeted | Flexible | Control | Insights

Banner Pricing

We have a CPM based pricing model and you configure your daily budget. In a CPM based campaign you pay per impression. The CPM price is the cost we charge per 1000 impressions.

Rate card
Impression Priority & Price per 1000 Impressions (CPM)
Fill the gaps
High priority
Top priority
Very low
Very high
0.30 EUR
0.50 EUR
0.75 EUR
0.95 EUR
1.15 EUR
1.35 EUR

All settings can be modified according to your specific needs and budget.

For global long term campaigns you can pick lower CPMs/Priority. For targeted and short term campaigns pick higher priority campaigns.

Configure your own campaign
Daily budget (max)
4,50 €
30 days=180K views | 135,00 €

Start setup

Banner Dimensions

Industry standard high resolution banners are supported (dimensions are width×height):

Note: You can pick and choose which dimensions you upload (only 1, a few or even all). Multiple variants of the same size are allowed.


160×600px banner
(showing a 320×1200px image)

A few examples of our 5 banner sizes including the high-resolution banner artwork.
Click the image to see the double sized image supporting high resolution screens:

970×90px banner (showing a 1940×180px image)
728×90px banner (showing a 1456×180px image)
300×250px banner (showing a 600×500px image)
300×100px banner (showing a 600×200px image)

Banner targeting (optional)

Targeting is flexible and can be specified on a per banner basis.

Geo targeting:
Show specific banners worldwide or only to visitors from specific countries
Section targeting:
Main pages Home | Newsfeed | Updates | Search | Mates Database Kits | Paints | Books | Magazines Other Events | Shops | Brands | Topics
Category targeting:
Aircraft Jets | Propeller | Helicopters | Gliders | Airships Vehicles Tanks | Tank destroyers | APC/IFV's | Armoured cars | Self-propelled artillery | Trucks | Trailer | Cars | Bicycles | Busses | Motorcycles | Carriages | Utility Guns Cannons | Howitzers Ships Aircraft carriers | Battleships | Cargo ships | Corvettes | Cruisers | Destroyers | Fast attack crafts | Fishery vessels | Frigates | Landing crafts | Mine warfare vessels | Motorships | Passenger ships | Sailing ships | Ships of the line | Submarines Trains Freight wagons | Locs (Diesel) | Locs (Electricity) | Locs (Steam) | Passenger coaches | Rail cars Missiles Air-to-air missiles | Air-to-surface missiles | Antiship missiles | Surface-to-air missiles | Surface-to-Surface missiles Science Fiction Other | Battlestar Galactica | Maschinen Krieger | Space: 1999 | Star Trek | Transformers | 2001: A Space Odyssey | Ace Combat | Armored Core | Star Wars | Ultra Seven | Ultraman vs. Kamen Rider | Babylon 5 | Blue Comet SPT Layzner | Dunbine | Fang of the Sun Dougram | Gundam | Macross | Mecha | Super Dimension Century Orguss | Warhammer 40K | Front46 | Zoids Humans Human Body Parts | Humans | Humans (Ancient history 3000BC-500AD) | Humans (Contemporary) | Humans (Early Modern Period 1500-1750) | Humans (Interwar period 1918-39) | Humans (Late Modern 1750-1914) | Humans (Middle Ages 500-1500) | Humans (World War I) | Humans (World War II) Fiction Anime | Comics | Manga | Marvel | Superheroes | Movies | TV Series | Fantasy Space Space Infrastructure Buildings | Fortifications | Landmarks | Radars | Transport Firearms Ammunition | Firearms (dont use) | Flamethrowers | Grenade launchers | Machine guns | Pistols | Recoilless rifles | Revolvers | Rifles | Shotguns | Submachine guns Nature Animals | Geology | Plants Utensils Constructing | Decaling | Displaying | Glueing | Holding | Measuring | Organizing | Painting Raw materials Raw materials Science Science Expositions Expositions Generic
Scale targeting:
Popular 1:35 | 1:72 | 1:48 | 1:32 | 1:25 | 1:24 | 1:20 | 1:18 | 1:12 | 1:144 | 1:350 | 1:700 ...
Banner Limits:
The same user will see your banner maximum 25 times per session.


Key advantages

Typical website
Akıllı hedefleme
No targeting options
Odaklanmış maruz kalma
2-5 banners per page
4-15 banners per page
Çapraz cihaz
Net HD afişler
High resolution
Standard resolution
Çok başlıklı kampanyalar
Multi banner & multi-size
1 banner per campaign
Kendi kendine hizmet
With instant changes
Detaylı raporlama
Gerçek BGBM fiyatlandırması
Fixed monthly fee
Kısa kampanyalar
1 Hour
1 Month
Fiyatını seç
Ön ödeme yapın





Your CPM rate defines the priority of your campaign, the priority is used in a weighted algorithm to decide which ad we display when multiple campaigns compete for the same targeting. The higher the priority the higher the share for competing targets.

The competition only happens when there is not enough space. Eg. A high priority campaign only targets 20% of the available slots. This means that for the other 80% you can get full coverage with the lowest priority.

CPM Priority Label 
0.30 EUR      1   Very low
0.50 EUR      2   Low
0.75 EUR      3   Normal
0.95 EUR      5   High
1.15 EUR      7   Very high
1.35 EUR      10   Highest
Example 1
 Campaign ACampaign BEmpty ads
Win rate:12.5%87.5%0%
Example 2
 Campaign ACampaign BEmpty ads
Win rate:25%75%0%
Example 3
 Campaign ACampaign BEmpty ads
Win rate:40%60%0%
Example 4
 Campaign ACampaign BEmpty ads
Win rate:34%13%53%

Best practices


April 2023

Aylık Sayfa Görüntüleme

Aylık Ziyaretler

Ort. Ziyaret Süresi
3m 12s

Aylık Benzersiz Ziyaretçiler

Alexa Trafik Sıralaması

Best ranked scale modeling website globally

(*approximate, we don't track unique users for privacy reasons)

Contact us

If your products are interesting to the audience of scalemates.com and wish to explore advertising opportunities, please reach out to us:

Reach out » Create Advertiser Account

Thank you, looking forward to be part of your next successful advertising campaign
Tim Vereecke