12th Festival Svet v malem
Etkinlik detayları
- isim:
- 12th Festival Svet v malem
- kasaba:
- Kranj
- Organize Kulübü:
- Svet v malem
- About:
- We invite you all to our 12th Festival SVM, traditionally held in the hall of municipality of Kranj, Slovenski trg 1, on Saturday, 12. 5. 2018. The scale model competition, which is the main event of the festival every year, will be accompanied by various other activities and exhibitions. We are eagerly awaiting your visit!
- yarışma:
- Etkinliğin bir yarışması var
- Giriş bedeli:
- Entry fee for juniors is 3€ and for seniors 7€ (5€ for online registration). Members and club partners of SVM have the entry fee for free.
Ne zaman
- tarih:
- 12. Mayıs ayı 2018
- Açılış saatleri:
- 9.00 - 11.00 - Model registrations for competition
11.00 - 16.00 - Competition and exhibition
16.00 - Announcement of the contest results
- Adres:
- Slovenski trg 1
4000 Kranj
1 arkadaşlar bu etkinliği ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor
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Benzer olaylar

Festival Svet v malem 2019
11. Mayıs ayı 2019

11. Mayıs ayı 2019

Festival Svet v malem 2017
13. Mayıs ayı 2017

13. Mayıs ayı 2017
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