Истребитель МиГ-3
MiG-3 Russian Fighter
Maquette | No. MQ-7208 | 1:72

İlgili ürünler
Detail and Conversion sets
İçin tasarlandı: This specific kit
İçin tasarlandı: Generic

Jak-7/9, La-5/7, Lagg-3, I-185, Mig-3 - wheels set (for dry airfields)
ResKit 1:72RS72-0031 2017 Yeni araç Çok konu (7)

İçin tasarlandı: Unknown

Jak-7/9, La-5/7, Lagg-3, I-185, Mig-3 (for ground airfields) wheels set
ResKit 1:72RS72-0030 (72-0030) 2017 Yeni araç Çok konu (7)

Mikoyan MiG-3 wheel set
Avia Equipage Auto (AEA) 1:72
72167 Decals
İçin tasarlandı: Generic

Forgotten Operations
Taifun final part Defense of Moscow - Winter 1941/42 DP Casper 1:72
72027 Çok konu (15)
MiG-3 (with Captured Rumanian and German markings)
HADmodels 1:72
72132 İçin tasarlandı: Unknown

MiG-3 Decal Sheet
HADmodels 1:72