Konu başlattı Chulo

In light of the current situation in Ukraine and the sanctions made against Russia should we not consider removing Russian modellers from this site if they make aggressive, false, trolling propaganda in favour of the illegal invasion?
2 20 June 2022, 13:02

What a bad idea, just to troll scale modeler that are from Rusia?, just because you like it, this is politics, not scale modelling, stick to that.
22 June 2022, 17:14

Thats a great idea, let's also remove American and British modellers from this site if they make aggressive, false, trolling propaganda in favour of the illegal invasion of Iraq?
23 June 2022, 05:56

Not all Russian modellers Irving, just those that troll our site with propaganda.
23 June 2022, 13:50

wow so hard this subjets, cause military is politics, and we all make military scale models, the best way now is that all comunity try to be sensitive about the subject and do not make any kind of talking, one side to the other, now is the best.
24 June 2022, 02:22

I agree with Roland.
Please keep politics out of here and let's all just enjoy this hobby together.
Our lives are already full of politics and there is almost nowhere you can find some refuge.
24 June 2022, 09:27

We all agree: No politics
We all agree: No trolls
We all agree: Build more
All trolls (a few of them from both sides) have actually been removed....
but a different opinion is not a troll!
Saying that Ghost of Kyiv is not "real" = not politics, absolutely not trolling. It is simply a fact. Please don't turn that statement into a discussion of pro-{{country}} or anti-{{country}}
Stating that is it not "real" in the end perfectly fine. And does not mean you are pro/anti
Keep bringing this up and up and up ... is basically introducing politics, introducing reactions from trolls and in my view trolling!
Thank you
1) Please do NOT reply that you agree
2) Please do NOT reply that you disagree
3) Please do NOT reply that your definition of troll/politics is slightly different
4) Please do NOT reply that we should think about global warming
5) Please do NOT reply at all
Thank you
24 June 2022, 09:51