Konu başlattı RodrigoNavarro

yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
19 20 April 2024, 08:02

Astonishing work there! You have to admit that in real life you are an aircraft engineer, aren´t you?
20 April 2024, 08:20

Man, I can hear the CNC lathe spooling up in the background as you start creating a fully-functional engine replica for this gem 😄 I'm thrilled to see the final product!
20 April 2024, 09:23

My head is spinning just looking at that tangle of pipes, mind-blowing work!
20 April 2024, 19:28

Very impressive.... I'm wondering how many hours the fuselage framing required? The accuracy required to keep everything 'true'... Hats off, Sir!
20 April 2024, 19:40

wow....amazing work...how much interior framing will show when this gem is finished?
Have you ever seen this clear Swordfish edition?
Fairey Swordfish Mk I (Tamiya 61079, 1:48)
1 23 April 2024, 03:00

missed this work of art before.... holy molly that is absolutely impressive!!!!
1 1 February, 13:39