ölçekli modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi

Konu başlattı Diorama Dude

Diorama Dude
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
60 1 June 2024, 21:06
Tony Cooke
Niiiice - I love it when models are staged like this!!
 2 June 2024, 02:12
Thomas Bischoff
love it 👍
 2 June 2024, 06:20
Robert Podkoński
 2 June 2024, 06:59
Bruce Huxtable
Congratulations! You have conveyed their remoteness perfectly.
 2 June 2024, 07:12
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Beautiful, my wife loves it 😍😍😍
 2 June 2024, 08:27
Wonderful display!
 2 June 2024, 08:49
Живко Джаков
It's very good. That we even know the names of the figures just adds a very sweet value to the model. As far as I know Armstrong was taking pictures while "Buzz" Aldrin was putting up the flag.
 2 June 2024, 15:42
Klasse. 👍
 2 June 2024, 18:45
A very nice touch is the Earth in the back! It's small but really adds. Superb work!
 2 June 2024, 20:37
Diorama Dude Yazar
Thank you Tony Cooke, Thomas Bischoff, Robert Podkonski, Bruce Huxtable, Hans-Jürgen Haag, gorby, Jivko Djakov, Nicolas and aetios for your Comment and your Interest. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 3 June 2024, 22:16
 4 June 2024, 05:08
Michael Kohl
Beautiful space dio. Usually I prefer compact displays but in this case I like your generous use of space.
 4 June 2024, 17:18
Diorama Dude Yazar
Thank you CaptGPF and Michael Kohl for your Comment and your Interest. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 7 June 2024, 21:21
Guy Rump
Very cool! 👍
 7 June 2024, 21:42
Diorama Dude Yazar
Thank you Guy Rump for your Comment and your Interest. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 9 June 2024, 21:25
Ben M
Where's the camera crew, lighting, director and the rest of the stage set ? 😂
 9 June 2024, 23:54
Frank Brzobohaty
You missed the landing exhaust blowout marks like they did in the sound stage and all the pictures.......LOL looks great.
 10 June 2024, 14:48
Diorama Dude Yazar
Thank you Ben M and Frank Brzobohaty for your Comment and your Interest. ** The images with the camera crew etc. are classified as confidential until 2069.** (Ha...Ha...Ha...)
 15 June 2024, 20:58

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