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Konu başlattı Jaguar12

David Orr
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29 Görüntüler
Tamiya Jaguar XJ220View album, image #21
All finished. Who could deny that this is one of the most beautiful cars ever built?
1:24 Jaguar XJ220 (Tamiya 24129)
28 3 June 2024, 06:34
George Williams
Very neat work on show here.
 3 June 2024, 12:44
Christian W
Clear built!
 23 July 2024, 05:05
Robert Podkoński
Good job so far. Keep it up!
 23 July 2024, 05:23
Martin Oostrom
Great work David.
 23 July 2024, 06:53
Robin (WhiteGlint)
 3 September 2024, 06:30
Christian W
Great color! It is always faszinating, how those colors work after clear cote.
 3 September 2024, 09:20
Alexander Grivonev
Sweet paintjob
 3 September 2024, 10:33
David Orr Yazar
Thanks everyone. Christian, it is definitely a revelation when you put the clear coat onto the colour shift paint. This one has the same colour shift as the Nissan Skyline in my albums, but that one was on a gloss black base. It's good fun experimenting with different base colours to see how the effect shows up.
 3 September 2024, 14:42
George Williams
You've made a terrific model, David, the paint finish is perfect, but, come on, one of the most beautiful cars ever built? Just take a look at Jaguar's back catalogue - C Type, D Type, E Type, XK 120, 140, 150, Mk1, Mk2, Mk10, to name just a few, all more beautiful than this British Leyland monster. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.
 10 October 2024, 00:02
David Orr Yazar
George, I did say "one" of the most beautiful, all of the other Jags being right up there with it. My favourite would probably be the XJ13. The XJ220 is not a British Leyland monster. It was built while Ford owned Jaguar, and it was built by TWR anyway. I'd rate it's looks as far superior to any other supercar of the day, and probably any supercar of any generation.
 10 October 2024, 00:20
George Williams
Hi David, you're right, of course, but the design and concept happened while Jaguar were part of the British Leyland empire. The v-12 engine and four wheel drive were dropped to a turbo charged V6 and rear wheel drive due mainly to financial constraints, and many people cancelled their orders. Didn't the Metro 6R4 rally car use the same engine?
 10 October 2024, 12:21

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