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Konu başlattı Creepy Pete

Creepy Pete
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
4 Görüntüler
Danish DrakenView album, image #1
1:72 J-35Ö Draken `Austrian A.F. Farewell Special´ (Hasegawa 00386)1:72 Danish F-/RF/TF-35 Draken (Maestro Models MMK7212)1:72 Extra 1200 liter fuel tanks SAAB 39 Gripen SAAB 35 Draken DK & SF (Maestro Models MMK7201)3+
48 18 June 2024, 20:40
Zbynek Honzik
Danish Draken looks very nice! 👍
 18 June 2024, 21:31
Nice one, Pjotr. I have a soft spot for anything in Danish green and your Draken is right up my alley.
 19 June 2024, 12:14
Patrick Hagelstein
Very nice! 👍🏼
 19 June 2024, 12:16
Mike Montgomery
Seeing a Draken model is always a tease. I've always wanted one in a big scale and I have one coming soon.
 19 June 2024, 12:57
 19 June 2024, 19:34
Vjekoslav Ranec
Beautiful work. With Your permission, could I use it on PaulusVictor social media and web pages?
 25 June 2024, 08:39
Looks very good and is very well presented!
 25 June 2024, 08:47
Great build & paintjob! Congrats👍🏻
 25 June 2024, 10:38
Creepy Pete Yazar
Thanks guys. @Vjekoslav, sure, go ahead.
 25 June 2024, 11:27
Sebastijan Videc
Lovely Draken, Pete!
 26 June 2024, 11:53

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