ölçekli modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi

Konu başlattı Jens-Micael

Jens-Micael J
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
16 1 July 2024, 07:11
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 15 August 2024, 17:14
Jens-Micael J Yazar
Thank you.
 15 August 2024, 17:23
Great work !
 15 August 2024, 18:42
Gorgeous. Dumb question - how do group builds work? Do you guys just divvy up the work>. One assembles, one paints, weathers, etc?
 15 August 2024, 19:14
Jens-Micael J Yazar
No we agree on a model and on a time frame in this case 6 weeks.
 15 August 2024, 20:19
Michael Kohl
Looking good
Where does the idea for the camo come from?
 15 August 2024, 20:56
Jens-Micael J Yazar
Found it looking for pictures of the Leopard 27A and i also used AK-Interactive 524 BUNDESWEHR – MODERN GERMAN ARMY IN SCALE.
 15 August 2024, 21:32

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