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Konu başlattı FridayAgain

yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
17 4 December 2024, 21:14
FridayAgain Yazar
Was going to do a series of photos of me building up the kit like I did for the Bt52, however I wasn't good enough about taking pictures of things before I finished them, so I decided to just post the finished product.
 4 December 2024, 21:15
Rui S
Beautiful Cigar 👍
 4 December 2024, 21:17
George Williams
 4 December 2024, 23:13
beautiful finish product!!
 4 December 2024, 23:19
Landlubber Mike
Wow! This is a beauty, nice job!
 5 December 2024, 02:23
Alexander Grivonev
How is the building experience with those MFH kits? Lot of extra work? How is the fit?

Fantastic results BTW 👍
 5 December 2024, 03:08
Great looking Ferrari. Well done!
 5 December 2024, 06:36
Michael Schubert
Awww hell yeah! Looks beautiful 😍
 5 December 2024, 06:40
FridayAgain Yazar
Thank you everyone, I really appreciate the support on the build, it's really nice to be able to share it for others to enjoy. As a response on how the experience is, it's absolutely incredible, the kits are highly detailed and very intense and hands on. They take a very very long time to complete and each step requires lots of attention to detail and patience, and thats what makes me love their kits so much. The fit on this kit was excellent, I know some of the older kits can have some issues, but this all went together nice and tight.
 5 December 2024, 17:03
 5 December 2024, 17:21
Alexander Grivonev
Cool thank you👍 MFH is definitely on my bucket list. But it seems so difficult to get hold of a decent kit like a 250 GTO or Porsche 917. Seems like all the stock is bought up instantly by scalpers and hoarders just to be resold on eBay for ridiculous prices, it's insane.
 5 December 2024, 20:15

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