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Konu başlattı Diorama Dude

Diorama Dude
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
36 13 December 2024, 22:05
Roy McKay
 13 December 2024, 22:25
Brilliant, I love it!
You've managed to create a dio which is entirely believable. Looks museum exhibit quality to me.
 14 December 2024, 09:48
I agree.
 14 December 2024, 09:49
Your dudeness... looking good! Do you have so much space at home to keep them all?
 14 December 2024, 10:10
Excellent work! 👍🏻
 14 December 2024, 11:48
Matti Thomaes
Great Stuff, Dude, fantastic scene setting
 14 December 2024, 18:45
Rui S
I like it a Lot 👍
 14 December 2024, 22:04
Diorama Dude Yazar
Thank you Roy McKay, gorby, Neuling, subotai, J35J, Matti Thomaes and Rui S for your Comments and your Interest on this diorama. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 20 December 2024, 21:38
Diorama Dude Yazar
@ subotai: When i store all my dio´s at home, my wife throw me out of the house 😂, so i use a storage room for my finished projects. I add a image from the diorama storage on the album.
1  20 December 2024, 22:12

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