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Konu başlattı andrelouis

Andre Louis
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17 Görüntüler
Building progressView album, image #17
The front hood was a lot of work to get it there.
1:24 Scania S730 Highline 4x2 (Italeri 3927)
18 4 January, 16:55
Yes. A bit annoying that Italeri recycles old chassis but it is easier\cheaper to update the chassis with aftermarket parts than the cabs. Italeri is the last company to release new plastic models with updated cabs from time to time so I guess beggars can't be choosers.
May I ask what paints did you use? Really like the finish and the dark grey shade.
 5 January, 05:34
Andre Louis Yazar
Yes, that is Revells Email Color in a 50/50 mix of 07 and 378.
1  5 January, 13:10
Martin Oostrom
Yup. Better some subpar trucks than none. Luckily not much of the chassis should be seen, especially with a trailer hitched.
 1 February, 18:29
On my Scania, I was advised not to put on the cab mounts, until the very last minute. I took the advice, because it made sense, because the parts are so delicate. To my annoyance, when everything had dried, it became apparent that the cab only raised about an inch? All the work on the engine, was lost 🙁
 10 February, 16:57
Sieht bis super aus!
 10 February, 16:58
Andre Louis Yazar
Danke, Qwertzel!
 11 February, 18:45
Andre Louis Yazar
@Bozzer: Thanks for the input. It is always interesting to learn new strategies. In this case I put the cab mounts on early to make sure they are properly glued to the chassis. I also took them as one of a few reference points to make sure the parts are aligned well and that the chassis is straight. However, I just realized that I lost the two pins (parts 80B) that finally connect the cabine and the chassis. Looks like I have to be creative there...
 11 February, 18:52
Andre Louis Yazar
@Martin: You have a point there and I am indeed happy that Italeri makes those kits. Just if you see how well the new parts of the cabine fit, it is sad that the chassis is not on the same level.
 11 February, 18:56
Dimko Pimko
Andre! If you have lost the pins for attaching the cabin and chassis, 0.9-1mm bolts are a great replacement. I have lost these pins myself and these bolts have really helped me out. I have a lot of them from old PC components.
1  4 March, 21:41
Andre Louis Yazar
Good idea, lets see if I can find similar bolts in my house. I was also considering to stretch sprue parts to the right diameter. Kind of scratch build pins...

1  7 March, 10:48
The interior looks great. Very realistic
 10 March, 05:10
Andre Louis Yazar
Thank you, Goldman! I tried to add also those red trim elements on the dashboard... Finally, I had to drop the idea due to lack of skill.
 10 March, 21:35
Well, the exterior looks great too...
The yellow looks spot on Scania Yellow - too bad it is a Tamiya spray can - they can't be shipped by air so no way for me to get them.
Super clean work on masking and painting the black trim. Beautiful.
 11 March, 05:07

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