Konu başlattı Roland

yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
31 19 January, 15:47

In addition to the two Macchis, I'm working on a project that uses a really great kit: I'm going to build a Hurricane IIb, incidentally in the colours of the USAAF, from this Arma-Hobbies kit, which is a perfect fit, rich in detail and highly recommended overall. Last year, I already built a Hurricane from this manufacturer and therefore know the qualities of the kit in advance. Here you can see photos from the day before yesterday; in the meantime the fuselage and the wings have been assembled and sanded - well, there wasn't much to do!
19 January, 15:52

Looking forward to this one. I haven't built an Arma kit yet but all reviews and builds I have seen look great. I stepped aside from building planes for a bit to recharge the batteries. I've been building 1:35 Armor kits from Italeri, Dragon and Tamiya that I have had in my stash since 1980!! Just finished a Puma 234/2 from a 45 year old Italeri kit. The figures are Dragon and Tamiya. The only thing left is a base.
19 January, 22:37

J'attend la suite avec impatience puisque je monte actuellement un Mk I au 72è j'en suis à la peinture. J'aime beaucoup le choix de tes avions, ils sont originaux. Félicitations !
13 February, 15:58

Bonjour mates- et bonjour à la France ! Je vous remercie pour vos mots et je suis heureux que le choix des modèles et le projet vous plaisent ! Je n'ai qu'un seul problème en ce moment : je suis à plat avec une fracture du pelvis et je ne pourrai pas me rendre à l'atelier de modélisme avant au moins quatre à cinq semaines 🙂 Mais le pire est passé, et je me réjouis vraiment de pouvoir continuer à construire... Le kit en lui-même est de toute première qualité et procure un grand plaisir !
Hello mates - and hello to France! Thank you for your words and I'm glad you like the model selection and the project! I only have one problem at the moment: I'm lying flat with a broken pelvis and won't be able to go to the modelling workshop for at least another four or five weeks 🙂 But the worst is over, and I'm really looking forward to continuing building... The kit itself is of the very highest quality and is a great pleasure to build!
14 February, 14:26

Hallo Roland!
Ich wünsche dir eine Gute und besonders schnelle Besserung!
1 14 February, 16:32

Wishes for an uncomplicated and rapid recovery. I am sorry to hear you are down and out.
14 February, 21:36

Thanks for your good wishes - that helps! The good news is: a smooth, uncomplicated fracture without surgery, but I have to sit and lie down for a full six weeks - and make sure my wife doesn't overcook me 🙂
2 15 February, 10:07

Ce n'est pas grave, on ne fait pas des maquettes avec ses pieds ... Bon rétablissement !!
15 February, 13:11

Hi Roland. Sorry to read that and wish you quick recovery and all the Best. But waht the f++ happened? Were yo skiing?
11 March, 19:11

Thank you very much for your wishes! No, nothing as nice as skiing: just a patch of ice between my front door and the car... Small cause, big effect! Everything is healing well, hope to be back in the modelling workshop in a month 🙂
1 12 March, 10:54

Thank you for your kind and motivating words - in fact, I'm really looking forward to continuing the construction here too! 🙂 Merci beaucoup, ça s'améliore de jour en jour 🙂
13 March, 08:12