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Konu başlattı Boris

Jay Dubya
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
11 12 February, 01:28
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
 12 February, 06:30
No wonder Robert is interested in this album. 😉
Thanks for the photos Jay, I've not heard of the Autocrat or the Prestwick Pioneer before.
 12 February, 07:14
Robert Podkoński
 12 February, 13:40
Jan Peters
Some strange and rare aircraft indeed, that first one made me think of a Stuka, or some variation of that. Thanks for sharing!
I bet Robert has some obscure kits for all of them in his stash 😄
1  12 February, 13:53
Robert Podkoński
I appreciate your belief in me, Jan...but I do not (although I have been tempted so many times to purchase Special Hobby Balliol - as far as I remember one of the boxes contains decals for Sri Lanka planes... and now I feel obliged to get one 😉 )
2  12 February, 14:58
Jan Peters
The force is strong....
1  12 February, 15:41

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