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Konu başlattı Skyfox

Andreas Fuchs
will attend
50. Modellbaustammtisch Hamburg in Hamburg
50. Modellbaustammtisch Hamburg
DE Hamburg
31. Temmuz 2015
26 June 2015, 18:46
Andreas Fuchs Yazar
i'll be there – and when hell freezes over...😎
 26 June 2015, 19:01
Mathias Carl
So will I.
😄 😄
But I realy have the problem to search a "Lieblingsmodell"... 🙂
 26 June 2015, 19:26
Andreas Fuchs Yazar
same here...😉
I think, it should not be the best in your gallery but maybe the most impressive (your complete scratchbuild "Köln" for example?) or your most discussed modell on our Stammtisch (Roma, Prinz Eugen?)

In my case, it would be the "Schwaffelstaffel"...8)
(for others: this is the Stammtisch-Nickname for the Platzschutzstaffel" of the JV 44,
my four 1:48 Focke Wulf Fw 190 Dora's of the Galland Circus)
 26 June 2015, 20:36
Can I send you guys some scalemates stickers?
 26 June 2015, 20:54
Mathias Carl
Hmmm, okay.
But why?
I realy don´t think that there´s a need to beat the big drum for scalemates, as there are already some members of us here.
And I also think it wouldn´t be the spirit of the Stammtisch to advertise s.o. or s.t. ...???
 26 June 2015, 21:56
It is not to advertise, stickers are for those who are already a member. (But if nobody wants a sticker or if it is against the spirit = no problem)
 27 June 2015, 07:08
Stickers = Aufkleber, und keine Flyer
 27 June 2015, 07:16
Marc Schimmler
Hi Tim, that's a really kind idea. I don't interpret this as advertisement ... actually this is pretty cool!
 27 June 2015, 15:50
Burkhard D
Thanks for the kind offer, Tim.
 27 June 2015, 17:02
Mathias Carl
@Tim:Ah okay.
I think I misunderstood 🤔
Sorry therefore.
 27 June 2015, 21:15
Mathias Carl
By the way:
And.Y.: Für Dich habe ich noch eine kleine Überraschung in Petto... 😄
 27 June 2015, 21:16
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice.
 28 June 2015, 03:36
Andreas Fuchs Yazar
Hello Tim
thank you for the offer – i think, we'll take some for our event 🙂

@Mathias: Uh, da bin ich aber mal gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen!😎

@Clifford: Thank you!
Our 50th meeting should be a Highlight for our "Gang" – funny, loud and a littlebit crazy...
...and lots of finest Models!😎
 30 June 2015, 17:41
Ulf Petersen
Hi Tim, thx a lot for your kind offer! I gues you need a destination for the shipment of the stickers. Should I give you my address via PM?
 1 July 2015, 05:29
I already have a shipping address😉
 1 July 2015, 06:06
Mathias Carl
Für Dich habe ich auch noch eine Kleinigkeit zum Stammtisch.😉
 1 July 2015, 09:52
Ulf Petersen
Soso! Na da bin ich ja mal gespannt! 👍
 1 July 2015, 10:18
Bernhard Schrock
Es war mir eine große Freude gestern den 50ger mitzufeiern! Schöner und heller Raum, viele Gesprächspartner und natürlich Interessantes aus Plastik sehr originell Szene gesetzt (z.B. "Sabre im Wald") und lackiert (z.B. Bf-109 "aus Holz" oder Vanship mit Torpedo). Wäre schön, wenn sich Langenhorn als neue Heimat etabliert🙂
 1 August 2015, 08:10
Marc Schimmler
And many thanks to Tim for the stickers. Photo by Rolle!

 1 August 2015, 10:41
 1 August 2015, 11:01
Mathias Carl
I´ve uploaded some pictures:
50. Modellbaustammtisch Hamburg | Album by Graf Spee
 1 August 2015, 15:34
Andre Hoencher
Bernhard, da kann ich nur zustimmen. Es war ein grandioser Abend und ja Langenhorn wird unsere Lokation bleiben.

It was a great Event, with very good Models and mates. 😄
@ Tim: Thx for the stickers.
 1 August 2015, 15:50

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