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Konu başlattı Hunter Cummins

Hunter Cummins
Does this kit have to have zimmerit?
StuG.III Ausf.G Dec 1943 Production
Dragon 1:35
6581 2012 Yeni parçalar
8 November 2015, 16:06
Unfortunately yes. And it has a mixture of Alkett and Miag features. Check Frank V. De Sisto`s review Network54 - Kit%2C DML 6581%2C StuG III Ausf G Dec 1943 Production%2C for some easy fixes.
 8 November 2015, 17:00
M.Julian Marles
Happily most of the parts you need are inside, except for scratching some simple fender support flanges.
 8 November 2015, 20:04
Hunter Cummins Yazar
H K I really needed that link, thank you, I have some Eduard zimmerit ordered (waffel pattern) why is the stug on the box made without zimmerit?
 8 November 2015, 22:15
M.Julian Marles
Just be sure to use the proper factory parts for waffle zimmerit😉
 9 November 2015, 00:21
Waffel pattern= Alkett factory. If you intend to build a lot of Stugs ( and you will * waves hand* 😄) then I highly recommend the Müller/ Zimmermann books especially volume two
edit: The scalemates link doesn't work. You can find it under Books- Stug in german and english.
 9 November 2015, 09:21

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