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Konu başlattı Truffy

I did wonder how long it would take for the 2016-2018 crop of Tiger IIs to become Jagdtigers.

I wonder what the compromises will be for this 'Blitz' line?
Jagdtiger Early/Late Production (2 in 1) (Blitz)
Takom 1:35
8001 2019 Yeni araç
30 July 2019, 15:47
Jens Andrée
They're all meant to be simplified, i.e. fewer parts, to make them easier to build.
Great for beginners to grab one of these kits instead of the dreaded 1975 Tamiya Panther Ausf. A which frankly is wonky as hell - sadly picked up by many beginners due to its low price.
These Blitz kits will be of similar price so if you want a low parts count this could be it!
 4 August 2019, 20:54
Nigel Yazar
Thanks, Jens. Yes, ISTR that from TMN. What I was hoping was that the recent crop of Tiger IIs would give us an updated Jagdtiger without the vagaries of 'simplification' (how is that implemented?).

Oh well, perhaps Meng will oblige!😉
 5 August 2019, 18:13
Jens Andrée
Sadly I think we'll have to wait a wee bit longer for that updated - and detailed, Jagdtiger... Unless Takom plan to release it as a "proper" kit too? I've heard nothing in the grapevine sadly.
 6 August 2019, 08:06
Tom Sanders
It'll have the same amount of detail as their regular kits just with simplified construction according to my sources
 28 August 2019, 07:35
Nigel Yazar
The only way that I can think of to simplify construction is to reduce parts count and the number of smaller parts.

And the only way that I can think of to do that with the same amount of detail is to have smaller details moulded as part of larger pieces. IME this tends to less finesse.

But it'll be interesting to see the reviews of the plastic.
 28 August 2019, 08:18
Soeren R.
The kit comes without the interior - like the Panther release from "Das Werk" - thats it.

Its just a marketing trick, because the Takom kits with interior are known to be a "handful" of work.
 28 August 2019, 08:41
Nigel Yazar
Aha, if it's just the interior that's missing, then that's fine by me. I assumed that simplification related to the external aspects of the model. (Doh!)
 28 August 2019, 08:47
Nigel Yazar
Come to think of it, if the only simplification is the lack of an interior, why the need to create the 'Blitz' line in the first place? That's what made me think that there was more to it. Surely it would be easier, and possibly less confusing, to simply state 'no interior'?

"Its just a marketing trick", indeed!
 28 August 2019, 12:18
Jens Andrée
I've recently seen more than one beginner picking a "full interior" kit as his first, with results thereafter, so by creating a specific line catered for beginners, but not using that specific term, isn't perhaps so bad after all? I keep track of virtually all new releases, as do you, but for a beginner who don't know the difference between the dreaded Tamiya Panther from 1975 and the modern ones from Takom, RFM etc could benefit by the Blitz line where they have the same kit but without the interior - thus making it a "simpler" kit to build but looking no different on the outside?!

No matter how you look at it, it is a marketing trick, just like Nigel says, but as long as they're churning out great quality kits I really don't mind!😉
 29 August 2019, 06:48
Nigel Yazar
I can understand that an interior kit would likely faze a beginner. Actually, they kinda faze me.

On the other hand, MiniArt seem to have no problems in creating non-interior versions of their interior kits. As you know, they're differentiated by the box art and the clear indication of the inclusion of the interior:

T-55A Early Mod. 1965 (MiniArt 37016, 1:35)
T-55A Early Mod. 1965 (MiniArt 37057, 1:35)


I have no idea whether beginners have purchased the interior kits by mistake though.
 29 August 2019, 07:56

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