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Konu başlattı Hunter Cummins

Hunter Cummins
Its for everyone 🙂
SCM Groupbuild - German Brummbär in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - German Brummbär

25. Ocak a kadar 28. Şubat 2014
11 January 2014, 14:29
George Bacon
 11 January 2014, 15:34
Hunter Cummins Yazar
 11 January 2014, 15:54
Fabian D.
chaps.... it´s a bear, not a bar😉
 11 January 2014, 20:50
Hunter Cummins Yazar
Not according to my model box😉😛
 11 January 2014, 22:59
Fabian D.
sorry to dissapiont you😉
 11 January 2014, 23:30
Hunter Cummins Yazar
Its all good😉😛
 12 January 2014, 00:17
George Bacon
Wonder how many people have a Brummbar in their stash, itching to be built?
 12 January 2014, 13:26
Hunter Cummins Yazar
You know what george I was wondering the same thing
But alli know is im wanting the big ed PE set really bad and im dying to build mine😉🙂😄
 12 January 2014, 13:29
Christian Mundt
I have a Tristar Brummbär in my stash, crying "build me now"😉 What would be the exact time frame to finish the build?
 12 January 2014, 13:34
Hunter Cummins Yazar
It endes febuary 28th and starts januaty 25th
So a little more than a month
If you want me to I will make it end later if you like 🙂 but thats up to you🙂
I hooe you join because it would be nice to see a brummbar built by youc🙂🙂
 12 January 2014, 13:39
What's a brummbar???
 12 January 2014, 13:40
George Bacon
"Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär"😉
 12 January 2014, 13:43
Hunter Cummins Yazar
Click on the groupbuild link at the top where I said "its for everyone🙂" and the picture is a brummbar;)🙂
Its basically a panzer iv chassis with a casmate on it with a short gun
Its made as an infantry support vehical
And was desined to blow up parts of buildings, act as small artillery piece, support infantry in cities and urban combat., qnd destroy tanks if need be, or to blow up gun implacements, dug in infantry and tanks and so on 😄 hope this helps
Here is a model kit of one

Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbär" S..(Shanghai Dragon 6081, 1:35)


There are a lot of 1/72nd scale ones out for cheap
 12 January 2014, 13:51
Oh ok,that's cool!
 12 January 2014, 14:10
Hunter Cummins Yazar
Yup lol cant wait to start mine 🙂
 12 January 2014, 14:20
Hunter Cummins Yazar
Are youjoining christian ??
Would love to have you tag along
 12 January 2014, 21:59

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