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Konu başlattı Jan Peters

Jan Peters
will attend
Scalemates Mitsubishi A6M Zero Group build 2021 in
Scalemates Mitsubishi A6M Zero Group build 2021

1. Nisan a kadar 31. Aralık 2021
1 April 2021, 14:22
Jan Peters Yazar
Sofar there are only two exhibitors.... Come on people, join the fun!!
 2 April 2021, 06:04
Greg Baker
Uh oh...😉
 2 April 2021, 07:17
Jan Peters Yazar
Are you joining the group build Greg?
 2 April 2021, 08:10
Martin Oostrom
It starts in 2022, enough time to (re)consider 😉
 2 April 2021, 09:53
Soeren R.
? was thinking the same
 2 April 2021, 10:15
Soeren R.
obviously fixed 🙂
 2 April 2021, 10:25
Soeren R.
Hmm that's indeed possible but good that's now working
 2 April 2021, 10:29
Jan Peters Yazar
No more excuses then... 🙂
 2 April 2021, 10:43
Jan Peters Yazar
Not my idea as such, it came to mind when discussing Japanese aircraft with Daniel and Sebastian 😉
 2 April 2021, 11:01
Soeren R.
Love the idea and maybe a way to find my mojo again and also an opportunity to start the A6M1 🙂
 2 April 2021, 11:19
veeeeery interesting....
 2 April 2021, 11:23
Sebastian Meyner
What are you waiting for then!? ...join Spajaard, join, join.... 😄
 2 April 2021, 11:41
Daniel Klink
Yes Jan, good idea even more projects on the shelf argh 🙂
Ah so what, lets do it...👍
PS: But because its got to be a quickie the Hasegawa Resin kit bash A6M8 is off the list. But i have a few more Zeros in my stash
 2 April 2021, 13:18
Jan Peters Yazar
There is always room to fit in a Zero Daniel 🙂
 3 April 2021, 19:14
Carlos Cisneros
If I have a Zero barely started is that ok for here?
 5 May 2021, 05:27
Greg Baker
Yep! All aboard!
 5 May 2021, 05:35
Carlos Cisneros
Ok, sounds great! I think that I did minimal assembly & painting on the engine and cockpit before sidelining the kit for some no longer remembered reason.
 5 May 2021, 18:01
A little late, I expect to receive mine soon and I get started...
 19 July 2021, 21:48

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