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Konu başlattı Frank Krause

Frank Krause
😎 Still 16 days to go, but soon the waiting is over. I am looking forward to a wonderful week building models amongst friends. 😎
1 March 2014, 10:55
Steve Wilson
Wish I was going🙁
 1 March 2014, 11:04
Frank Krause Yazar
Still time to think about it, Steve!😉
 1 March 2014, 11:25
Mike Kryza
Hi Steve - actually we are "only" eleven mates...
 4 March 2014, 10:46
Christian Lehmann
Will all of these realy attend?
 4 March 2014, 19:51
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
come on Steve, that would be cool if you come! Many red kits, between all the tanks and planes! 🙂
 4 March 2014, 20:12
Steve Wilson
Honestly Guys...
If I could afford it I'd be there like a shot, I really would, BUT... 🙁
 4 March 2014, 20:22
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
Steve do not be sad, the next time it works and we will certainly talk about everything happens on the event. 🙂
 4 March 2014, 21:05
Steve Wilson
And photo's...
Loads of them🙂
 4 March 2014, 21:19
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
of course mate 😄
 4 March 2014, 21:29
Holger Kranich
I´m somewhat of looking forward it... I already have a couple of kits on my desk to choose.... Its gonna become an epic event! (And i hate to say "Epic"!)😢
 5 March 2014, 08:06
Sebastijan Videc
wish I could join... I even have a leave off work those days, but financially I can't afford it at this moment 🙁
 5 March 2014, 08:08
Holger Kranich
Hi Sebastijan, would be cool to have you around but i totally understand you! It expensive and far away from you!
But we will provide you all with pix and comments!
 5 March 2014, 08:12
Sebastijan Videc
well I could go, but I'd have to cancel our Norwegian roadtrip in September and I cannot imagine how my wife would react to that 😄
 5 March 2014, 08:48
Holger Kranich
Oh, never mess with your wife when it comes to holidays... I just had that adventure!😢
 5 March 2014, 08:54
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
Mal ne Frage an die Mitbastler, habe eben mal mein Werkzeug Probe gepackt und es geht alles in eine kleinere Werkzeugkiste. Noch ohne Farben, die muss ich noch nachschauen. Aber irgendwie kam mir der Gedanke, nichts zu vergessen. Weil auf "Lostisland" bekommt man ja nicht an jeder Ecke was. Wie macht ihr das? Kiste auf, Werkbank reinkippen, oder arbeitet ihr nach Liste?
Da ist "alles" drin 😉 [img1] und [img2]
 5 March 2014, 22:08
Frank Krause Yazar
Ich packe mein Standardwerkzeug ein. Liegt meistens griffbereit irgendwo im Wege. Brauch ich nur einsammeln. Und von jeder Farbe ein neues Töpfchen. Liste? Ne, so listig bin ich nicht. Und beim Scalemates Meeting zählt das eine - was der eine nicht hat, hat der andere.
 5 March 2014, 22:27
Bill Gilman
Can you do this again during the first week in May when I'll be in Germany?? 🙂
 6 March 2014, 00:11
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
Frank, dann ist das so wie bei mir. Extra Farben kaufe ich keine und der Listentyp bin ich absolut nicht. 🙂
Bill: Hmm .... no! 😛. 😉
 6 March 2014, 05:59
Holger Kranich
Oh Bill, that would be cool... I would love to make such a meeting once a month but the venue is booked over the year by a esoteric goat that is not willing to give me the room for my warfriendly unpeaceful hobby...
This silver magpie is hoovering over the churchyard in her batik dress, talking the whole day about god and peace and karma...
 6 March 2014, 07:40
Arne Greve
In this time, I´am to a Kur in Friedrichskoog. I´ll send a Signal. 🙂
 6 March 2014, 08:12
Holger Kranich
Oha! That will surely be 220 km from Friedrichskoog to Harlesiel plus 4 nautical miles by ship... But hey, would be cool to have you around, Arne!!!
 6 March 2014, 08:19
Arne Greve
I can only wave my hands. Sorry, Holger, ich denke mal, das lässt sich nicht einrichten, dass ich vorbeikomme.
 6 March 2014, 11:13
Holger Kranich
Schade aber absolut verständlich, Arne!
 6 March 2014, 12:10

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