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AFVG2 Volume 2, Number 1



Volume 2, Number 1 | April 1970


Editorial | Page 3
Weapons of the German Panzer Troops

by Joe Struck & Jim Steuard
A discussion of the arms/sidearms of the Panzertruppen

Reference | Page 6
"HUMMEL" Conversion of the Monogram Panzer IV

by Joe Struck
Four view drawings, specifications, TOE assignment, development

Tips & Tricks | Page 8
Modeling the "Hummel"

by Norb Meyer
Step by step instructions for converting the Monogram 1/32 Panzerkampfwagon IV into a 15cm schwere Panzerhaubitz 18/1 Selbstfahrlafette auf Geschutzwagon III/IV

Reference | Page 10
The German Panzer IV Tank Company

by Jim Steuard
Summary of the organization of a Heer Panzer IV company Diagram with profiles of each vehicle (including support vehicles), the composition of each Section and Platoon, and the rank of each assigned crew member (with personal arm, if assigned).

Reference | Page 12
Marine Tanks of the Pacific - Part V.

by Joe Struck

Reference | Page 14
Color 'n Camouflage

by Norb Meyer & Jim Steuard
The Panzerkampfwagon IV. An actual paint chip of German Sand-Tan primer with Floquil mixing instructions. Detailed information on the placement of national markings, unit markings and tank numbers; camouflage application notes.

Miscellaneous | Page 16

by Bruce Wiegle
Wargaming instructions for simulating combat in the Normandy hedgerows.

Tips & Tricks | Page 18
The Baron's Corner

by Norb Meyer
Modeling Hints by Norb Meyer. Improving the Nitto Sd.Kfz. 251/1

Reference | Page 19
Sturmdivision Rhodes

by Jim Steuard
History and composition of the German forces occupying the island of Rhodes in 1943

| Page 20
Wargame Conversions: Jagdpanzer IV

by Jim Garrison
Kitbashing ROCO kits of a Parnzer IV and West German Kannonjagdpanzer into a Jagdpanzer VI