Model Military International 31

- dergi:
- Model Military International
- Numara:
- 31 | November 2008
- Dil:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline-November'08
Events, clubs and shows, plus industry announcements
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 8DRAGON WAGON
by Mick CapellMick Cappell, a long time aircraft modeller tries his hand at small scale armour, read on to see what he thought...
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 12HAIL HIS COMET
by Matt EdwardsMatt Edwards details and corrects Bronco's Comet with the help of Accurate Armour, Friulmodel and Eduard.
Review, 1:35 | Page 18TRAIL BLAZER
by Ian McGonagleIan McGonagle takes a look at the latest LAV for Trumpeter, this time it's the formidable looking air defence version
Review, 1:35 | Page 20WARSAW PACT AMPHIBIAN
by Graeme CarruthersGraeme Carruthers takes an initial look at the long awaited injection plastic PT-76 from Trumpeter.
Tips & Tricks | Page 22WORK IN PROGRESS
by Zachary SexZachary Sex gives us a glimpse into his ongoing scratchbuilding projects and explains his rationale and straightforward methodology.
by José Brito / Ricardo VeríssimoJosé Brito and Ricardo Veríssimo report on this year's IPMS Portugal Exposition and competition.
Review, 1:35 | Page 31BLITZING THE OPEL
by Darren ThompsonFor a long time Italeri's Opel Blitz was the only game in town, Darren Thompson Gives us the low down on Tamiya's totally new kit.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 32SPANISH EAGLE
by Chema CabreroBack in issue 27 Chema Cabrero offered some great advice on painting and weathering a Russian T34, this time he builds, paints and weathers Jordi Rubio's lovely little Kfz.13 Adler armoured car.
Review | Page 38Figures
A round-up of the latest figures on release
News | Page 42Book Reviews
A look at the latest titles to land on our doorstep
Review, 1:35 | Page 46SICILLIAN SHERMAN
by Graeme CarruthersGraeme Carruthers offers us an inbox look at the M4A2, known to the British as the Sherman III.
News | Page 48Letters
The place to air your comments, suggestions and thoughts
Reference | Page 48RANDOM REFERENCE
M1A1 one photo showing the terrible state of the paint finish
News | Page 50DIARY DATES
A listing of the up and coming model shows and events.
News | Page 51TOP BRASS
by John MurphyThe Editor looks at the latest detail sets in from the Chinese manufacturer, Voyager Model.
Reference | Page 52JUNGLE BUSTER M48A3 'PATTON'
by David DoyleDavid Doyle delves into his photo archives to bring us a selection of detail shots for reference and rare colour images of the Patton in action during the Vietnam War.
News | Page 58INCOMING
New kits, products and accessories get our initial thoughts
Tips & Tricks | Page 66THE LAST POST... Techniques