Model Military International 90

- dergi:
- Model Military International
- Numara:
- 90 | October 2013
- Dil:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline - October’13
What’s new in the world of military modelling
Reference | Page 6Think Tank - RG-31 NYALA MRAP
by Stuart RansleyRG-31 NYALA MRAP Stuart Ransley examines the history, development and deployment of the South African RG-31 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 12CHECK POINT IRAQ
by Andrew JudsonAndrew Judson adds Kinetic’s new RG-31 MRAP to an urban Iraq checkpoint diorama using figures and barricades included with the kit.

RG-31 MK3 US Army MAPC w/ Bonus Pack: US Soldiers Check Point Iraq
Kinetic 1:35
K61012 2012 Yeni parçalar Çok konu (3)
The dog ~Medor~
MK35 1:35
F102 Review, 1:35 | Page 18PUSHING DIRT
by Brett GreenMeng has kicked off the 1:35 scale battlefield earthmoving market with their latest release – the formidable D9R Armoured Bulldozer.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 20RIDER ON THE STORM
by Steve ZalogaSteve Zaloga improves Dragon’s brand new 1:35 scale M48A3 Mod. B kit with the addition of a gun shield cover, a searchlight, stowage and a number of modifications.
by Steve ZalogaM48
Review, 1:35 | Page 30AIR MOBILE, SOVIET STYLE
by Andy KingZvezda has re-released their 1:35 scale BMD-2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Andy King casts a 21st Century eye over the contents.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 32KHARKOV
by Joaquin Garcia GazquezJoaquin Garcia Gazquez details and weathers his 1:35 scale Dragon Panzer II, and adds it to a Kharkov street scene.
Review, 1:35 | Page 40RUSSIAN FRONT
by Brett GreenMeng presents their latest uberkit – the 1:35 scale T-90 Russian Main Battle Tank. The Editor takes a close look at the bulging contents.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 42NEW SAMURAI
by Brett GreenBrett Green gets stuck straight in to Tamiya’s brand-new 1:35 scale Japanese Type 10 tank.
Miscellaneous | Page 50Diary Dates
In Focus...
News | Page 51Book Reviews
Review | Page 52Figures
A round-up of the latest figure sets on release...

Infantry "Off to the front" Vehicle riders WW II Era 

Infantry Defense Eastern Front Battle Series, Kit No. 1 
Review, 1:35 | Page 54Incoming
by Brett Green Luke Pitt
RG-31 Mk3 Canadian Army Mine-Protected Armored Personnel Carrier With RWS
Kinetic 1:35
K61010 2013 Yeni parçalar Review, 1:48 | Page 561:48 Scale
A round-up of the latest news and releases

Hermes A-1
Brengun 1:48
Tiger I early Production-Part 2 ~Tamiya~
Royal Model 1:48
WSS Panzer Crew
The Bodi 1:48
U.S. Tank Crew
The Bodi 1:48
48002 Review, 1:72 | Page 58Small Scale
by Steve ShrimptonA round-up of the latest news and releases in 1:72 and 1:76
Review, 1:35 | Page 59MECHANICAL MOUSE
by Luke PittBronco’s 1:35 scale Fiat Topolino is the fourth representation of this small car in 1:35 scale. Luke Pitt explores the features of this new kit.

DAK "Topolino" German/Italian Light Staff Car w/Crew & IFS Infantry Cart
Bronco 1:35
CB35156 2013 Yeni araç Review, 1:35 | Page 60STANDALONE FLAK
by Andy KingDragon’s excellent 3.7cm Flak 37 gun is now available as a standalone kit. Andy King takes a look...