Model Military International 103

- dergi:
- Model Military International
- Numara:
- 103 | November 2014
- Dil:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline - November ’14
What’s new in the world of military modelling
Reference | Page 6Think Tank - British and Foreign Tanks of World War I –
by Bruce CulverBruce Culver examines the origins of military technology and the development of tanks. Part One covers up to the British Mark I tank.
Review, 1:35 | Page 13VALUE PACK FIRE TRUCK
by Andy KingAndy King revisits ICM’s 1:35 scale Fire Truck, now packaged with crew figures.
by Brett GreenThe Editor paints up Tamiya’s new 1:35 scale Mark V Male tank and adds their new WWI British Infantry set.

WWI British
Tank Mk.IV Male (w/single motor) export version exclusive Tamiya 1:35
30057(export) 2014 Yeni parçalar Review, 1:35 | Page 2635 TO A T
by Luke PittLuke Pitt is impressed with Bronco’s first foray into the Panzer 35(t) family.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 28Diesel and Dust
by Sam DwyerSam Dwyer converts the excellent Meng Model 1:35 scale Leopard 1A3/A4 kit to an Australian Leopard AS1
Review, 1:24 | Page 36THE ADMIRAL ON THE ROAD
by Graham TetleyGraham Tetley takes a look at the latest in a growing range of 1:24 scale civilian German cars from ICM.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 38Käpitan in Italy
by Antonio Martin TelloAntonio Martin Tello creates a rural scene with ICM’s 1:35 Opel Kapitän Saloon as its centrepiece.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 46TROUBLE MAKER
by Takahiro SumitomoTakahiro Sumitomo presents a diorama featuring Heller’s venerable 1:35 scale Somua S35.
Review, 1:35 | Page 48HARD CAB JIMMY
by Andy KingAndy King takes a stroll down memory lane with italeri’s venerable 1:35 scale GMC hard cab truck in water tanker guise.
by Scott TaylorScott Taylor reports on the AMPS 2014 Great White North Show, held for the first time in Oshawa Ontario.
Review, 1:35 | Page 54Figures
A round-up of the latest figure sets on release.

British Commonwealth Infantryman 1942-45
D-Day Miniature Studio 1:35
Afrikakorps, Set 1
D-Day Miniature Studio 1:72
72002 Review, 1:35 | Page 56ONE LAST THROW OF THE DICE
by Brett GreenEduard repackages Academy’s 1:35 scale Tiger II Last Production kit. The Editor takes a look.
Review, 1:72 | Page 57Small Scale
by Mark DaviesA round-up of the latest news and releases in 1:72 and 1:76

Panzerfähre Fährendeck mit gepanzertem Landwasserschlepper Prototype Nr.II
Dragon 1:72
7509 2013 Yeni parçalar Review, 1:48 | Page 581:48 Scale
by Luke PittA round-up of the latest news and releases
News | Page 60Book Reviews
Roundup of the latest modelling and reference titles
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 66The Last Post... YOU TAKE THE HIGH ROAD…
by Brett GreenThe Editor strolls down memory lane, recalling a 1:48 scale Achilles IIC Tank Destroyer built during 2007 using the Tamiya M10 and the MR multimedia conversion.