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AFV Modeller 29

AFV Modeller


AFV Modeller
29 | July-August 2006


Build Report, 1:35  | Page 2
Bu-Ku VC Vietnam M-41

by Mark Neville
Built trying to use just what comes in the box.
U.S. M41A3
Walker Bulldog Light Tank
AFV Club 1:35
AF35041 (35041) 2002 Yeni araç

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 10
Late Arrival

by Jorge Alvear and David Parker
Suggestions on how to improve Dragon's superb Late Tiger 1.
Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Sd.Kfz. 181 Tiger I Late Production (3 in 1)
Dragon 1:35
6253 2005 Yeni parçalar

Build Report, 1:16  | Page 20

by Dale Tatum
Techniques behind a scratch built WW1 fast tank.

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 28
KFOR Challanger

by John Tapsell
Reworking the Tamiya Challenger 1 to depict a vehicle serving in Kosova.
British main battle tank
Challenger 1 (Mk.3)
Tamiya 1:35
35154 (154) 1992 Yeni parçalar

Reference | Page 40
Extreme Detail

The M3 Grant

News | Page 46
Saumur Model Show

A brief look 6th the sights and sounds from the recent show.

News | Page 48
Keeping Track

More new releases

Reference | Page 56
Relics of a Death Ride

by Yann Youault
A collection of relics from the battlefield where tank ace Micheal Wittman was killed in August 1944.