Military Miniatures In Review 10 | Fall 1996

- dergi:
- Military Miniatures In Review
- Numara:
- 10 | Fall 1996 | 1996
- Dil:
- English
| Page 3The Mail Bag
The readers speak.
| Page 4Short Takes - Chicago!
All the latest poop from Chi-Town plus extra new stuff and book reviews, too.
| Page 4Double Takes
Mini reviews of the DML Flammpanzer, Panzer III H, and the Tamiya JagdPanther.
| Page 17One from Column A one from Column B
We give you two for one on the new DML M4A1.
| Page 22All aboard!
We look at four pieces of resin rolling stock from Tank Work Shop.
| Page 26Make a Marder
The Commander Series Marder III.
| Page 28Wespe im Einsatz
Masahiro Doi strikes again.
| Page 33Get on the Bus... The Opel Bus
Azimul's multi-media adventure.
| Page 37Just your type-the modern version
Tamiya's unusual but gorgeous Type 90 Japanese MBT.
| Page 40Crazy about my little 109
| Page 44Commie ack-ack
Another little resin gem from Azimut.
| Page 47Shermy with a big gun
Yet another hit for the resin junkies: the M12 SPG from Azimut.
| Page 50Teeny tracker trailer
A neat little combo from DES.
| Page 54Tee with Vee Pix
As promised, more pix of the VT-34 recovery vehicle.
| Page 57Mini-Men
A peek at what's new on the figure front.