Spring time in Russia 43
Photo 1 of 22
24 3 November 2023, 11:21

Tamiye early tiger with some photo ech.Diorama is spring time in Russia 43 and has survived the first winter,so looking a bit knacked.
3 November 2023, 11:38

Lovely Gary. The pea camo on the figures is superb. The tree is really really good. The Tiger is beautifully done and the overall dio is great.
Is the tree homemade?
3 November 2023, 13:24

Hi Mr james,thanks for your kind words.yes the tree is homemade from the garden (dead rosemary with sea foam added on the ends).How are you getting on with your tiger diorama?
3 November 2023, 14:39

Right, I've made a note of that. Must buy some sea foam. I'm painting winter camo tank riders for the Tiger and I keep changing my mind on my winter dio. I'm torn between Russia winter with some Russian armour or Ardennes with allied armour. Or just a stand alone scene. I'm struggling with the figures... havent got the skills yet
3 November 2023, 16:48

Many thanks Juskifo.The tree turned out better than the last tree i did.
18 November 2023, 08:22

Thank you David,Juskifo,the tree is dead rosemary bush with added sea foam as more branches, and the snow is vallejo snow with ak snow sprinkles.
19 November 2023, 08:42
Album info
Tamiya eary tiger diorama finally finished. A knacked tiger that has survived the first winter and is heading towards late spring/summer?