Airfix builds
Photo 1 of 30
5 24 February 2013, 15:58

Hey Mike great build, Airfix never of guessed it, well done 👍8)👍
24 February 2013, 16:02

Awesome, more so as this is 1/72 👍👍👍
I would have guessed the Albatros is 1/32!
The pre-WW2 experimental scheme on the Buffalo is cute, it re-appeared in the 1970s on living room tapestry 😄
24 February 2013, 16:26

LOL @Burkhard
I remember my Parents dancing in front of this tapestry to "The Hustle" 😄
By the way,very very great models.
24 February 2013, 16:34

ROFL - yeah, mine were dancing to this 😄 😄
24 February 2013, 16:38

At least that was some kind of Dancing.I can only shake my Head to angry and noisy guitar musik. 😉
24 February 2013, 16:54

Stunning Bulldog!
Especially when you know the kit base....
Others are great too of course😉
24 February 2013, 17:04

Thanks for the comments, guys. And Burkhard, thanks for the video link... I think 🙂
24 February 2013, 17:14

Wow, what a beautifull colorfould bird colection, great job Mike, espacialy the Bulldog
Greetz Phil
24 February 2013, 17:47

Just love that Buffalo sheme! And of course the O-1. Dirk where are you? Have you seen this one?😉
24 February 2013, 18:04

And all in 1:72!!!
The fantastic woodgraine on your Albatros D V!! Did You paint them??
The fine engine cylinder details on your Bulldog! I`m a great fan of detail painting like this one!!
And your Birddog is absolutely fine! I`ve built one, but mine is far away of this colourful and clean built!
Great, great models!
Wanna see more of your amazing craftsmanship!
24 February 2013, 22:37

And hey....have in mind...all of them are Airfix models!
Unbelievable work!
24 February 2013, 22:39

Thanks Dirk for your kind comments. Yes, the woodgrain is painted on the Albatross. Glad you like them, I'll post some more Airfix kits in this Gallery.
25 February 2013, 02:35

Hi Mike,
you are sanding down all recessed panel lines and nuts, I think?!
The Chipmunk and Kingfisher are outstanding and shows the same clean finish as the previous Airfix models.
I like build models like this one, as they are not the easy way!
All the lil`details like the generator on the lower wing of the Bulldog or the fine photo etched MG`s of the D.V, the extra detailed landing lights of the Birddog, shows a high level of modelling skills.
Do you know Andrea Vignocci?
He is an italian modeller who builds Airfix models in the same skill level like you:
I`m a fan of this little gems!
Thx for sharing.
25 February 2013, 08:28

Sry, the link didn`t works!
Here again:;id=325&Itemid=1
25 February 2013, 08:30

amazing what a combination of master modeller and a good basis of a kit can do! That Buffalo's scheme is amazing!
25 February 2013, 08:43

you have some mad skills going on there,those planes are fantastic,the detail is amazing at such a small scale
25 February 2013, 13:04

@Dirk Thank you again for your comments, and for the link to Andrea Vignocci's work: superb stuff!
@sebastian and Ole Much appreciated 🙂
25 February 2013, 14:18

Who ever said, that there are bad kits arround ? You have made the best out of that limited kits from the last century. Your modells are pieces of art. Pass them over to the Airfix Museum. They will take place in the first row. Simply outstanding!
25 February 2013, 19:08

Thanks Pierre and Christian, I'm glad you like them. I've just updated the gallery with a couple more Airfix builds, the Mirage F.1 and Gazelle helicopter.
26 February 2013, 16:22

There's an Airfix kit under all that extra detail and customizing you added?! 🙂 Excellent Job!
26 February 2013, 21:48

oh wow, Gazelle looks spectacular! How did you do the mesh conus at the engine?
27 February 2013, 05:52

As I said previously,
outstanding, amazing and mind blowing Airfix models you built!
27 February 2013, 07:53

Nice Gazelle. You make simple Airfix model into a stunning result. 🙂
27 February 2013, 08:42

Thanks a lot guys. @Sebastian, I made a decal of the mesh which looks fine at actual size.
27 February 2013, 18:29

Wow..........Congratulations Mike, unbelievable what you can conjure from the good old Airfixkits :-D
28 February 2013, 07:35

Thanks you guys 👍 Michel, it sometimes feels like I've built the entire range😉 There's some that I have no desire to ever build, but they have produced lots of great kits over the years.
28 February 2013, 14:03

Hi Mike,
The "Ford" is Fantastic!! I love the SKYRAY😉
The Kingfisher and the F1 are so nice too!
28 February 2013, 14:10

Excuse me if I say it again, but outstanding work! The Henschel could be in 1:48 as well. Nice, nice , nice!
28 February 2013, 18:26

It's the first time that I see how beautiful those models are. Personally I don't like the factory finish but the way you make it is very well done.
28 February 2013, 19:03

I love all of them, specialy the Bird Dog. Great job Mike !
1 March 2013, 12:36

Turning some of these kits into masterpieces...Not easy! Bravo.
13 December 2015, 10:03

So many amazing builds, you can be very proud of this collection Mike!
13 December 2015, 12:24

You are an awesome modeller! I love your models and also the way you take pictures of them!
13 December 2015, 12:32

Very nice idea to put all these outstanding works together in one gallery, thanks
13 December 2015, 13:08

Must add my Huzzah's to this thread - excellent builds of some quite (great) old kits. Kind of makes one feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ......................... Well done.
13 December 2015, 13:09

Thanks so much guys! 🙂
@komoras Thanks for resurrecting this thread 🙂 I used E Z Line for the Albatros rigging.
13 December 2015, 18:53

Man those are really beautiful Mike, and the photo work is top-notch too!
13 December 2015, 19:02

I told myself that the 1/72 was a typo due to the detail on the Bulldog and the D.Va until I came to the photo with the paint jar. Great paint work with the wood grain and rigging (EZ line is not always so easy) Thanks for the photos
16 December 2015, 17:56
Album info
I grew up on Airfix kits in the 60s and 70s, these are (mostly) recent builds of their kits.